Sunday, July 22, 2012

Spanish Company Controls Ballot Box 2012

SCYTL will control election returns with no local, state or FEDERAL accountability! SCYTL a Spain based processing company...

Obama has slipped more than once saying, "...when I am reelected."
Will there be another election. Turns out Pere Valles the former CFO of global net and major contributor to the Obama campaign is now CEO of SCYTL. Other SCYTL officers include Carles Ferrer. There are no Americans on the Board of Directors for SCYTL. How come a foreign entity has control of our Presidential election?

Here is what YOU can do. Contact your state Governors and challenge them to take control of the ballots in YOUR state. Contact all of your state representatives and demand an injunction be filed in FEDERAL COURT to stop the outsourcing of our presidential election! NO foreign power should ever have authority in the United States. Since the thugs in DC are intent upon destroying our nation it behooves all of us to stand up to the traitors.
Your blog editor.
Feel free to contact me...via E-Mail. It is time to stop playing the Hegelian Dialectic game...

Update: This threat to our elections is not as prevailing as it was first thought. Thorough research reveals that each state will have control of tabulating the voting results.  

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Supreme Court Ruling on ObamaCare

Few seem to understand the true implications of this ruling or the even more frightening decision written by Justice John Roberts. No he did not do it to keep the Tea Party energized. Roberts basically stated an outright lie in his opinion, Either that or he was rewriting the law itself. Nowhere in the over 2 thousand pages of Obama's healthcare law does it say anything about a 1% income tax penalty for those who do not carry health insurance, Just where does Roberts get this notion?
     Has our Supreme Court become simply an accomplice to the socialist dismantling of the Constitution? It is obvious that the Justices have some trouble adhering to the Constitutional limitations of big Government. Something not new to the Court, but becoming ever more apparent to anyone who happens to really understand the Constitution. I've been reading much of the discussion of this in many of the discussion groups and it is very apparent that few really comprehend the 4th Amendment or the true meaning of "Regulate" as intended in the Constitution. It means to keep "regular."  To assure that all the sovereign states have equal rights to trade with each other. Not a thing about the Government regulation of anything. Judge Andrew Napolitano: The Constitution for dummies...1 thru 4.. It's a video series, you don't even have to read....

And on healthcare law specifically,, The Federal Government has no Constitutional authority to force this law onto the States or the citizens of the United States Period, And if WE THE PEOPLE accept this laying down, regardless of what the corrupt Neutered so-called Supreme Court or unlawful almighty Government dictates it WE THE PEOPLE deserve no better than enslavement. It really is that simple. Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God, For the secular Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to Human Nature.

How To Make a Radical Turn Away From Totalitarianism

Watch it all and see what Judge Andrew Napolitano has to say about Dr Ron Paul

Statism Defined

The political expression of altruism is collectivism or statism, which holds that man’s life and work belong to the state—to society, to the group, the gang, the race, the nation—and that the state may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.

A statist system—whether of a communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type—is based on the . . . government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force. The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless victims.
Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory. Nothing can justify the horror, the brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the slave-labor camps, the torture chambers, the wholesale slaughter of statist dictatorships.

Government control of a country’s economy—any kind or degree of such control, by any group, for any purpose whatsoever—rests on the basic principle of statism, the principle that man’s life belongs to the state.

A statist is a man who believes that some men have the right to force, coerce, enslave, rob, and murder others. To be put into practice, this belief has to be implemented by the political doctrine that the government—the state—has the right to initiate the use of physical force against its citizens. How often force is to be used, against whom, to what extent, for what purpose and for whose benefit, are irrelevant questions. The basic principle and the ultimate results of all statist doctrines are the same: dictatorship and destruction. The rest is only a matter of time.

If the term “statism” designates concentration of power in the state at the expense of individual liberty, then Nazism in politics was a form of statism. In principle, it did not represent a new approach to government; it was a continuation of the political absolutism—the absolute monarchies, the oligarchies, the theocracies, the random tyrannies—which has characterized most of human history. In degree, however, the total state does differ from its predecessors: it represents statism pressed to its limits, in theory and in practice, devouring the last remnants of the individual.

The ideological root of statism (or collectivism) is the tribal premise of primordial savages who, unable to conceive of individual rights, believed that the tribe is a supreme, omnipotent ruler, that it owns the lives of its members and may sacrifice them whenever it pleases to whatever it deems to be its own “good.” Unable to conceive of any social principles, save the rule of brute force, they believed that the tribe’s wishes are limited only by its physical power and that other tribes are its natural prey, to be conquered, looted, enslaved, or annihilated. The history of all primitive peoples is a succession of tribal wars and intertribal slaughter. That this savage ideology now rules nations armed with nuclear weapons, should give pause to anyone concerned with mankind’s survival.
Statism is a system of institutionalized violence and perpetual civil war. It leaves men no choice but to fight to seize political power—to rob or be robbed, to kill or be killed. When brute force is the only criterion of social conduct, and unresisting surrender to destruction is the only alternative, even the lowest of men, even an animal—even a cornered rat—will fight. There can be no peace within an enslaved nation.

Statism—in fact and in principle—is nothing more than gang rule. A dictatorship is a gang devoted to looting the effort of the productive citizens of its own country. When a statist ruler exhausts his own country’s economy, he attacks his neighbors. It is his only means of postponing internal collapse and prolonging his rule. A country that violates the rights of its own citizens, will not respect the rights of its neighbors. Those who do not recognize individual rights, will not recognize the rights of nations: a nation is only a number of individuals.

Statism needs war; a free country does not. Statism survives by looting; a free country survives by production.

Observe that the major wars of history were started by the more controlled economies of the time against the freer ones. For instance, World War I was started by monarchist Germany and Czarist Russia, who dragged in their freer allies. World War II was started by the alliance of Nazi Germany with Soviet Russia and their joint attack on Poland.

Observe that in World War II, both Germany and Russia seized and dismantled entire factories in conquered countries, to ship them home—while the freest of the mixed economies, the semi-capitalistic United States, sent billions worth of lend-lease equipment, including entire factories, to its allies.

Germany and Russia needed war; the United States did not and gained nothing. (In fact, the United States lost, economically, even though it won the war: it was left with an enormous national debt, augmented by the grotesquely futile policy of supporting former allies and enemies to this day.) Yet it is capitalism that today’s peace-lovers oppose and statism that they advocate—in the name of peace.

The human characteristic required by statism is docility, which is the product of hopelessness and intellectual stagnation. Thinking men cannot be ruled; ambitious men do not stagnate.

he first choice—and the only one that matters—is: freedom or dictatorship, capitalism or statism. That is the choice which today’s political leaders are determined to evade. The “liberals” are trying to put statism over by stealth—statism of a semi-socialist, semi-fascist kind—without letting the country realize what road they are taking to what ultimate goal. And while such a policy is reprehensible, there is something more reprehensible still: the policy of the “conservatives,” who are trying to defend freedom by stealth.

he statists’ epistemological method consists of endless debates about single, concrete, out-of-context, range-of-the-moment issues, never allowing them to be integrated into a sum, never referring to basic principles or ultimate consequences—and thus inducing a state of intellectual disintegration in their followers. The purpose of that verbal fog is to conceal the evasion of two fundamentals: (a) that production and prosperity are the product of men’s intelligence, and (b) that government power is the power of coercion by physical force.

Once these two facts are acknowledged, the conclusion to be drawn is inevitable: that intelligence does not work under coercion, that man’s mind will not function at the point of a gun.

Acknowledgements: Leonard Peikoff and Ayn Rand. For an excellent explanation statism defined in a few brief quotes. Hopefully it will inspire many to research the truth about the subtle designs of those who wish only to dictate our lives and rob us of the fruits of our labors. Wish I could thank them in person for stating these truths so much better than I.

Independence Day??

I.suppose that with another independence day upon us is is fitting I respond once more to question of whether or not the "Republic" exists. I have given this brief speech on several occasions over the years to law students and others who had yet to come to grips with reality and lived with the illusion...

The "Republic" was destroyed by Abraham Lincoln, who essentially burned the Constitution. After Lincoln's war on State Sovereignty, the Constitution and individual liberty a statist all powerful central government became reality. A moderate democracy replaced the republic and only the illusion of the republic to pacify WE THE PEOPLE remained. The District of Columbia, the United States and every state was chartered as "incorporated."  What Americans cannot seem to grasp is that "incorporated" means "Corporate State."  The illusion has long faded from any of us who have spent many hours in any of our Admiralty Courts. The adversarial court system is so far removed from Common Law there is very little common law even taught in our Law Schools. I venture to say that it is far worse now that when I attended law school some 40+ years ago. Most of law school was Contract and Tort and it was during this education I learned that there was no common law practice in this country and therefore no republic. Arguing the Constitution in a statist democracy is all but futile unless you can find a way to make it inconvenient for the government to be exposed as being statist. I refused taking the BAR because the BAR is at the core of our loss of liberties. Everytime you hear "Civil Liberties" used in an argument or title it is a lie and exposes the government as statist. The Whig Party, radical statists imploded during the 1850's and good old "Honest" [sic] Abe joined the Republican Party for the 1860 election year. The Republicans avoided Seward the abolistionist and gave Lincoln the nod as the Republican nominee and the electorate gave Lincoln the White House. He immediately dismantled the Constitutional Republic, dismissing all branches of the then Constitutional Federal Government [an agent of the United "Sovereign" States] except for the executive seat, which is precisely what Hitler would do some 60 years later. For you see seceding from the Constitutional Union of States was granted by the Constitution itself. Rhode Island, New York and Virginia had refused to ratify the Constitution unless the provision for secession was included. Abe Lincoln emancipated  no one and enslaved a nation, for statism of any sort always is or leads to absolute tyranny.
   Yes Dorothy the Republic died, but not WE THE PEOPLE regardless our loss of liberty and justice. You see the lawful authority today is a result of the death of the Republic in 1861. The few of us who know this fact hesitate to breathe that truth aloud for we have played the statists illusion in courts to try to preserve what little is left of individual freedom and fight for justice. But the naked truth is that the statists won and the Republic was destroyed by Lincoln's victory over individual liberty and once destroyed there is no way to restore it, but to begin anew. Always individual freedom will be attacked by those who desire power over others. Some of them convinced that humans cannot govern their own actions and others simply self serving power mongers.
    Every statist notion from democracy to communitarian ideologies leads ultimately to suffocating tyranny. Only the spirit of freedom in every human assures that every tyranny eventually will self destruct. So it is and so it has always been. Now the battle is to resurrect the Constitution and thereby the Republic, but conservatives still follow the statist Elite Establishment and call true Constitutional Republicans too radical or crazy. Yes, the idea of a Constitutional Republic and individual Liberty is radical. I suppose most humans are not ready to be truly free. Humans by nature tend to be a herding species, seeking the approval of the rest of the herd. Sadly those of us who would be better off free of the fetters of government and others ruling over our lives must suck it up or be cut out of the herd and destroyed.