Border Security??
The Congress recently passed legislation to 1. Build a fence barrier along some of the Mexican-U.S. border 2. Hire 800 new border agents and 3. Deligate national guardsmen to the border to reinforce border security temporarily until #'s 1. and 2. are functional. The President dispatched the National Guardsmen to strengthen border security.
Sadly the Majority of America was being misled by the Congress again. The Congress "behind closed doors" voted against funding the fence, the 800 new agents and the National Guard.
So the Congress, which should represent the majority of Americans once again puts more importance upon the minority vote than representing the desires of the American majority constituency.
Our leaders have failed to protect the heritage of our country too long. The very foundation upon which this country was created has been under assault for years and we now find ourselves unable to even have a moment of silence in our schools and the symbols of our nation being removed from public view. Our institutions of higher learning are allowed to teach and proselytize against our country's government, troops and heritage. English has been regulated to a second language. Our national heritage and culture has been all but erased. Our sciences and institutions coerced into fomenting misinformantion and mistaken science. Our courts no longer use any common law, natural law, sound reasoning or common sense in the administration of justice, interpretation of law or interpretation of our Constitution. Our leaders have become "PC" zombies either afraid to speak the truths we all know or follow the will of the Majority America. Majority America has been vilified to the point of utter unimportance. As with all societies, when the Majority is made subservient to the multicultural minorities and the culture and heritage of the society is destroyed the society collapses from within.
Our nation's sovereignty is at stake. Our nation's heritage and individual freedom is at risk. The left with their socialist/communist agenda is winning and Majority America better realize that we are at war to preserve our national heritage and culture, as well as, our nation's sovereignty. Our leaders must be taught by force of will and vote that they are responsible to Majority America. Majority America must take back our country. It will not be easy. It begins in our communities. We must elect community leaders with the backbone to refuse to submit to the assault by those who intend to destroy our heritage, symbols and culture and give those officials our full support throughout whatever actions are necessary to preserve our national heritage and culture. If Majority America gets behind those who are willing to resist destruction of our heritage, willing to lock arms with the men and women who will not accept any bans or removal of our cultural heritage, demanding that English be the language of our country as it has always been assumed, then we can take back our country. But we must be willing to take political action with the same tenacity that the left has. We must defy the tide and confront the "PC" stigma that has made truth evil. We will be called bigots and right-wing nazi. But if we are to restore our national heritage and culture we must be bold enough to avoid being caught up in the "PC" nonsense and keep the course to the objective. Let the left rant and try to manipulate using the multicultural minority against us. It is the Majority's RIGHT and responsibility to guide our country's government and set the outline of society's zeitgeist. Our leaders must be held responsible to the Majority America. And Majority America must no longer be swayed by the false rationale of the left. They whine, using apologist strategies to influence us by appealing to compassions that are not true to the foundations of this country. We cannot, must not, fall for that kneejerk rationale anymore. The Constitution protects us from abuses of it's imperatives. The pseudo-intelligentsia's arguements to force minority persuasions upon the majority is not sound logic or reasonable. Yes their right to say and do are protected but not to the destruction of our right to say and do. Furthermore, the rights of the minority stops at the door of the WILL of the MAJORITY. That is why our nation was founded upon the rights of the majority with protection of the individual. Somewhere the Majority lost sight of that and then our leaders were forced into silence by the big "PC." It is time we started thinking straight, being reasonable and using sound logic dispite the psuedo-intelligentsia, that tries to overcome sound reason with illogical rationales. The survival of our country depends upon our will to endure whatever it takes to preserve our national heritage.