Sunday, July 01, 2012

Independence Day??

I.suppose that with another independence day upon us is is fitting I respond once more to question of whether or not the "Republic" exists. I have given this brief speech on several occasions over the years to law students and others who had yet to come to grips with reality and lived with the illusion...

The "Republic" was destroyed by Abraham Lincoln, who essentially burned the Constitution. After Lincoln's war on State Sovereignty, the Constitution and individual liberty a statist all powerful central government became reality. A moderate democracy replaced the republic and only the illusion of the republic to pacify WE THE PEOPLE remained. The District of Columbia, the United States and every state was chartered as "incorporated."  What Americans cannot seem to grasp is that "incorporated" means "Corporate State."  The illusion has long faded from any of us who have spent many hours in any of our Admiralty Courts. The adversarial court system is so far removed from Common Law there is very little common law even taught in our Law Schools. I venture to say that it is far worse now that when I attended law school some 40+ years ago. Most of law school was Contract and Tort and it was during this education I learned that there was no common law practice in this country and therefore no republic. Arguing the Constitution in a statist democracy is all but futile unless you can find a way to make it inconvenient for the government to be exposed as being statist. I refused taking the BAR because the BAR is at the core of our loss of liberties. Everytime you hear "Civil Liberties" used in an argument or title it is a lie and exposes the government as statist. The Whig Party, radical statists imploded during the 1850's and good old "Honest" [sic] Abe joined the Republican Party for the 1860 election year. The Republicans avoided Seward the abolistionist and gave Lincoln the nod as the Republican nominee and the electorate gave Lincoln the White House. He immediately dismantled the Constitutional Republic, dismissing all branches of the then Constitutional Federal Government [an agent of the United "Sovereign" States] except for the executive seat, which is precisely what Hitler would do some 60 years later. For you see seceding from the Constitutional Union of States was granted by the Constitution itself. Rhode Island, New York and Virginia had refused to ratify the Constitution unless the provision for secession was included. Abe Lincoln emancipated  no one and enslaved a nation, for statism of any sort always is or leads to absolute tyranny.
   Yes Dorothy the Republic died, but not WE THE PEOPLE regardless our loss of liberty and justice. You see the lawful authority today is a result of the death of the Republic in 1861. The few of us who know this fact hesitate to breathe that truth aloud for we have played the statists illusion in courts to try to preserve what little is left of individual freedom and fight for justice. But the naked truth is that the statists won and the Republic was destroyed by Lincoln's victory over individual liberty and once destroyed there is no way to restore it, but to begin anew. Always individual freedom will be attacked by those who desire power over others. Some of them convinced that humans cannot govern their own actions and others simply self serving power mongers.
    Every statist notion from democracy to communitarian ideologies leads ultimately to suffocating tyranny. Only the spirit of freedom in every human assures that every tyranny eventually will self destruct. So it is and so it has always been. Now the battle is to resurrect the Constitution and thereby the Republic, but conservatives still follow the statist Elite Establishment and call true Constitutional Republicans too radical or crazy. Yes, the idea of a Constitutional Republic and individual Liberty is radical. I suppose most humans are not ready to be truly free. Humans by nature tend to be a herding species, seeking the approval of the rest of the herd. Sadly those of us who would be better off free of the fetters of government and others ruling over our lives must suck it up or be cut out of the herd and destroyed.


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