Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The "Dumbing-Down" of our educational institutions was planned from the earliest attempts to install the League of Nations by the Round Table groups. In America it was the then Mandel House organized "Inquiry Group." When the League failed the Inquiry Group evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations and by WWII and even though Americans were unaware [because
the controlled media never used the new label] the Allies were already being called the United
Nations in Europe and elsewhere in the world. And, of course, the United Nations was born- nearly every member of the US delegation to the formation of the UN was also a ranking member of the CFR. And who were the promoters of seating the center for the UN - The
Building on the East River? The Soviets... all those leaders were KGB butchers... and for years to come they would chair the UN Security Council... The FBI, when exposing Alger Hiss, pointed to the UN and it's center on the East River as the primary source of entry for the commies infiltrating our country.

The National Education Association was quick to adopt the formation of the UN as the hope of the world. In January 1946 Joy Elmer Morgan wrote in the NEA Journal: "In the sturggle to establish an adequate world government, the teacher has many parts to play. He must begin with his own attitude and knowledge and purpose. He can do much to prepare the hearts and
minds of children for global understanding and cooperation..., At the very top of all the agencies
which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher and the organized professional."

In the 1940's the NEA set up one-worlder policy think tanks like the National Training Laboratory [NTL] in Bethel, Maine to reeducate teachers along Politically Correct lines. NTL claims it works "to change teachers' inflexable patterns of thinking." An NTL manual says of children: "Although they appear to behave appropriately and seem normal by most cultural
standards, tbey may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes and beliefs." The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] complained that "before and child enters school his mind has already been profoundly marked, and often injuriously, by early influences" -most particularly by parents, of course,
who are deemed hopelessly ignorant and insufficiently "world-minded." Parents are seen by the UNESCO as negative influences who tend to teach their children love for GOD and Country, which the UNESCO condemns as "infecting" the minds of children with "nationalism,"
"chauvenism," and "Sclerosis of the Mind". In 1953, Senator William Jenner [R-Ind], Chairman of the Senate Internal Security SubCommittee bravely attacked the UNESCO subversion challenging his colleagues: "How many of you Senators know what the UN is doing to change teaching of the children in your own hometown? The UN is at work there, every day and
night, changing the teachers, changing the teaching materials, changing the very words and tones - changing all the essential ideas which we imagine our schools are teaching our young folks. How in the name of Heavan are we to sit here, approve these programs, appropriate our own people's money - for such outragious "orientation" of our own children, and of the men and women who teach our children, in this nation's schools?" Some of the one-worlders were audacious and zealous enough to admit the subversive agenda of the UNESCO, though they praised it as a necessary and righteous subversion. Such was the case in the Saturday Review
in 1952 editorial declaring: "If the UNESCO is attacked on the grounds that it is helping to prepare the world's peoples for world government, then it is an error to burst forth with appologetic statements and denials. Let us face it: the job of the UNESCO is to help create and promote the elements of world citizenship. When faced with such "Charge," let us by
all means affirm it from the housetops." THE CLIMATE OF FREEDOM, Editorial, Saturday Review, July 19, 1952.

Dumb Down to be continued...


To understand the orchestrated pathos that has taken hold of our country's citizens one must come to realize that it is NOT a coincidence of normally evolving societal influences and events. To do this we must recognize those with the power to "wheelhorse" such influence over an entire nation.

http://www.apfn.net/CFR.htm Former members who have the courage to speak out...


Here I add that the author overlooks John Kerry's 1st marriage, which was into the Henry Stimson line... it also avoids mentioning [probably for fear of retribution] that the Bush family became a pivotal member of the Russell drug smuggling operation and is still operative today... Was in cohoots with the then Attorney General of Arkansas: Bill Clinton... who became Gov. of Ark., not to mention President of the U.S.

Here is one of the ringleaders of theCFR/Trilateralist/Bildebergers in HIS OWN WORDS from his book.. 2002..."For more than a century, ideological extremists ateither end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.": From page 405 of Rockefeller's 2002 book Memoirs.

These are just a few facts from those who have been there and from the conspirators themselves you decide! What are you willing to do to save our country? The CFR gangsters own and operate our political apparatus and we must take it back and purge government of any and all CFR thugs until we know which ones are loyal to America. Remember! America was intended to be a Republic of The Union of States... NOT A DEMOCRACY! In fact the framers of the Constitution argued mightily against democracy, because they knew it left the monied free to devour small independent businessmen and take control of govrnment and expand it into intrusions on states, local and individual rights. We are witness to what has been accomplished in our lifetimes... Can we reasonably ignore for another year, another month, another week, another day, another hour what we know to be the greatest enemy of our sovereignty, our nation our freedoms, our children and their children are dependent upon what WE do NOW!

One should also take a look at the ORIGINAL 13th Amendment, ratified in 1838... That's right, 17 years before the bogus replacement was forced upon the conquered U.S. in 1865. You see it was not only the Southern States that were conquered at the conclusion of the Civil War. By investigating the way that the post-war Houses of Congress were "temporarily" reconvined to RE-write the 13th Amendment and then the redistribution of seats in the Congress to force passage of the 14th Amendment it becomes readily apparent that the Union of States of America was hijacked by the Federal Government and that the FED was no longer the AGENT OF the Union of States, but rather that the States would now SUBMIT to the will of the FED.
This is precisely what our forefathers had warned against!