Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Marxists Will Not Surrender Power Peacefully

We are facing a crisis even if WE win in elections next week. The Marxist socialists have never given up power once they've attained the power in government. Russia, Spain, Germany and France are good historic studies IF you pay attention to their social upheavals and the powers that were behind the social crisis and then the political power shifted to socialist societal designers and what happened when the conservatives tried to restore sanity in their government. The history from the turn of the century to WWII in those countries is a study in how the socialists retain power once they have their grips on the government of a country. Every American needs to study this outside the traditional texts, preferably books written by conservatives who lived it and were astute enough to know what was really happening. It pays to find out as much as you can about the socialist Marxists who had become the leader long enough to propel the socialist agendas in those countries.

Sadly Americans were blind to what was really happening in Europe in the 19th century and even blinder in the 20th. We need to know our enemies before it is too late, because there is a great storm brewing and at the vortex is the Marxist government in power in America RIGHT NOW and being threatened by WE THE PEOPLE who are fighting it and hopefully, after November 2nd sending some Constitutional conservatives to DC.

Mark my words: the Marxists in power will not surrender control non-violently. It is not nor has it ever been their intent to surrender power once they have attained it. They may change avenues [see USSR to European Union], but they will never peacefully surrender power. They feel embolden now because they corrupted, infiltrated and morphed the infrastructure of the greatest free country on earth in little more than 160 years. Be vigilant. NO COMPROMISE!

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