I have heard commentators say over and over that cuts must come in medicare and social security to cut spending. Nonsense! It won't do a damn bit of good to cut either of these. Let me tell you how, why and what to cut...
1. The first act of the new congress should be, must be, repeal of ObamaCare and reform tort. [good luck there with lawyers, i.e, the BAR, running the friggin gummiment].
2. End the Fed and "interest' fiat currency that is the creation of money from nothing foreign international bankers created.
Replace it with interest FREE currency printed by the Congress as legally provided by the Constitution.
How? Well first it is important to understand that any form of currency is just a barter chip for goods and services. It does not require "backing" [backing with precious metals or stones would pervert the very idea because these are controlled by the international banking "families." If one understands that interest free barter chip is a simple and efficient trading chip. How do we cope with foreign debt? "Accept our notes for full value or kiss our collective asses."] Pull every armed forces and every stick of American military bases, right down to the last fence post back to our country. Set up DOMESTIC DEFENSE against any would be enemies and dare any interference from ANYONE.
3. Throw the United Nations off our shores...with all of the despots living in our country on Tax Payer's incomes. Purge them from our midst. Stop providing 28% of the support MONEY for that ENEMY OF AMERICA.
4. No more FOREIGN AID, because every dime of foreign aid goes to pay the interest on bad loans made to countries who cannot and will not ever pay back the original loan to the IMF and World Bank, both International banking cartels of the international bankers. Have the guts to tell them to go fish.
5. Open the oil wells and get'em pumping and drill on our own continent where we have more oil resources than the rest of the world combined. Reform the COURTS, take them back to COMMON LAW and deregulate, deregulate, deregulate. Get the damn government out of business. WE MUST have a new industrial revolution in this country. How? It is soooo easy! Get the Government and UNIONS out of regulating and strong arming industry and stop supporting the Monopolist/capitalists in favor of PRIVATE industry and get this country MOVING and PRODUCING our own needs. We live in the most resource rich country in the world! Take the mineral rights away from the British Crown [see the treaty of 1783 and the addendums thereto after the war of 1812]. We must control our own country and its resources, because if we cannot produce for ourselves we cannot defend our country or control our own destiny.
6. One must understand that "capitalism" harped upon today is NOT capitalism. It is monopolist-capitalism. We MUST return to a balanced supply and demand unfettered by artificial interference, so that we are producing and consuming at the true GNP not an illusion created by government statistics [which is some sort of Keynesan economics fabrication to destroy the laissez-faire free enterprise that opposes government intervention beyond minimum necessary. A doctrine that deliberately abstains from directing or interfering with freedom of choice and action]. THERE IS NOT ANY DOCTRINE MORE OBSTRUCTING TO FREE ENTERPRISE PROGRESS THAN THE "SO-CALLED" PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. The very application of Progressive to the liberal/socialist movement is an oxymoron. Were it not for the international bankers control of the industrial/commercial world we would be driving natural gas, water powered and compressed air automobiles that would, in moderate climates, barring collisions and accidents, last a lifetime. Why haven't we been allowed to progress naturally? Because the international cartel has used the ignorant to corner the markets. Is there anyone who really believes we need a trading market like Wall Street? Folks let me tell you something every investor should have found out long ago...WALL STREET AND THE TRADING MARKETS WERE CREATED TO MANUFACTURE MONEY FROM NOTHING! It is all air! The international banking cartel controls them all! Already Carbon Credit Exchanges are created throughout the industrialized world. GOOGLE carbon credit exchanges, learn what the green, cap and trade and all that nonsense really is all about! Who has seen a field of wind generators? Do these monstrosities look any less environmentally intrusive than oil wells? Use your head for something other than a hat rack PLEASE.
7. END CAREER POLITICIAN. Make anyone serving in public office ANYWHERE live on the AVERAGE INCOME LEVEL of the citizens of the nation or their state or their locality. End the electoral college. Every Voting Citizen should have to pass a basic Civics test to prove they understand the branches of government, the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and some basic History of This Country [not the global community or Global Green agenda or PETA]. Make every vote count for any and ALL elections and no more lifetime income for service and no more exclusive social security or life time body guards or other services. You serve one or two term LIMITS and go home and go to work like normal folks.Our government leaders are SERVANTS not rock stars or NOBEL laureates. They should be sent to seats of government not to wield power, but to manage our borders and our international contracts according to the WILL of WE THE PEOPLE. No one can serve two masters. Anyone claiming allegiance to any other entity than our country NEEDS TO BE ON THE NEXT BOAT OR PLANE FOR WHEREVER THEY PREFER TO LIVE, but NOT HERE!
9. The federal government will now have less need for tax dollars, because we have rationalized, THAT'S RATIONALIZED, government and all of those government offices unnecessary now that government is no longer regulating and interfering with natural growth we will save us billions upon billions of dollars [ending the so-called need for the Department of Energy - another oxymoron]. All of these people will have to get jobs in the private sector, but with the renewal of the steel industry and so many other new PRODUCING industries sprouting up America will be able to get back to work within four years...Much shorter than the decades of misery being heaped upon us now. Getting the UN out of our affairs, ending all trade and services Unions and allowing us to WORK at the industry or commerce or services of OUR CHOICE will open a plethora of new business and propel growth not seen since the surge after WWII. Keeping monopolies from becoming a viral octopus monster obstructing natural growth should be one of the only interstate concerns of federal government and state government. {Unlike the Rockefeller model "I hate all competition"}.
10. Employ the laws of eminent domain to reclaim our country's land state by state and allow the people to build and prosper. Use a property act modeled upon the Oklahoma Land act of the 19th century to restore sanity to the inner cities of America. By that I mean the idea set forth by none other than former HUD secretary Jack Kemp. Instead of giving a low income family an apartment or house to show an improvement after a year of occupancy then having the government own it for 5 years [a real communist ideal], if they have improved the property over the year they own it out right giving them personal Capital to build from and they will take greater pride in it because it belongs to them, if they are taught the nature of property ownership and given the freedom to chose how to build their destiny from a start-up capital foundation.
With these few restorations to the principles of the Constitution we would balance the budget and take back our country from foreign entities. It is not the complicated task everyone tries to paint. JUST DO IT! Furthermore I would suggest that any legislation after 1861 be nullified immediately and any new legislation be limited to 4 pages directly germane to the issue being addressed. No bullshit never-ending gibberish. Just the facts and the issue and the intent. Nothing more. And a two day moratorium once floored for yes or no vote so that every idiot in both Houses can read and digest the consequences of the bill. Back to principled SERVICE to the prosperity of our nation not just a few individuals or an elite club.
11. No more ridiculous cost of campaigns. Have a pool with each candidate getting so many free AIR times to explain WHAT and HOW They intend to address the issues of their constituents. Bar lobbyests and lobbies for various special interests groups from donating to any campaign or pushing their agenda on any candidate [a step to ending graft and bribery]. We need some people who can think for themselves in government.
PERIOD! There will be those who have been indoctrinated and who follow the status quo who will foo foo what I have said above as "yeah it is a nice thought, but impossible in the existing world". Let me tell you that the only obstruction to implementing sane and responsible [to we the people] are those who are trying to tell you and I how to live and what to do with our lives. they intend to dictate every facet of our lives [indoctrination is a science].
There's more but these are essential to restoring sane service to WE THE PEOPLE.
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