Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reading List: MUST Reads For Those Who Dare to be Free

"The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"  Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

"It's Dangerous to be Right When the Government is Wrong" Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

"Lincoln UnMasked" Thomas J. Dilorenza"

"The Real Lincoln; From the Testimony of His Contemporaries"  Charles L. C. Minor [1904]

"They Never Said It" Boller & George

"Tragedy & Hope: A History of The World In Our Time" Carroll Quigley

"Crystallizing Public Opinion" Edward Bernays

"Propaganda" Edward Bernays

"Public Opinion" Walter Lippmann

"War Is a Racket" Major General Smedley D. Butler, America's Most Decorated Soldier [1935]

"Atlas Shrugged" Ayn Rand

"None Dare Call It a Conspiracy" Gary Allen

"The Religion of Old Glory" William Norman Guthrie 1918/1919

"Karl Marx The Communist Manifesto"  A Norton Critical Edition edited by Frederic L. Bender
      [Prefaces by Marx & Engels Annotated Text, Sources & Backgrounds, the Manifesto in the
        history of Marxism interpretation]

"Rules for Radicals" Saul D. Alinsky

"Obama Zombies" Jason Mattera

"Creating A New Civilization" Alvin & Heidi Toffler

"It Can't Happen Here" Sinclair Lewis [1935]

"Brave New World" Aldous Huxley [1932]

"1984" George Orwell [1949]

"The Judas Goats; The Enemy Within" Michael Collins Piper

"A Writ Of Habeas Corpus" By Yorie Von Kahl

"The United Nations Exposed" William F. Jasper

"The Road to Serfdom" F.A. Hayek [1944]

"The Unseen Hand" A. Ralph Epperson

"A Disquisition On Government" John C. Calhoun [Taken from Vol. 1 of his works 1851]

"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism" Christopher C. Horner

"The Federalist" Hamilton. Madison & Jay

 And the works and books of  two brilliant minds of the founding era Thomas Jefferson and another thinker Lysander Spooner [both can be found online, just Google]

Hillsdale College and the Ludwig Von Mises Institute are excellent resources for libertarian and Constitutional purist free thinkers and anyone concerned with liberty.

I might add that searching the Congressional Record is a mind boggling eyeopener.

This list is in no way the end all reading list for those who seek the truth. It is in fact only a bit of what I believe should be required reading by any American who still values the ideals upon which our country was founded. There are volumes of references in these books. Why I put the Charlotte Iserbyt's manuscript at the top of the list, because it is most important to understand how those who feel compelled to "design" the social order [mainly to  their own benefit] have corrupted the institutions of learning to become behavioral modification laboratories. The studies of the real Abraham Lincoln is necessary in order to understand the true motives for the War that forced the corporate state upon America and destroyed the Constitutional Republic.
It has taken me years of digging and countless hours of reading to come to grips with the truth. Fortunately for those of you who are just beginning your journey the internet will make it much easier to find. You won't have to scour dusty basements of used bookstores for obscure volumes and  uncirculated volumes. You will have to sort through conflicts of corrupted views with actual facts. A word to the seeker, do not let your indoctrinated beliefs be an obstacle to objective consideration of truths that offend. Because you will quickly discover that the truth offends all we have been led to believe.
A word of warning: The search for truth is not for the faint of heart. It is a long and frightening journey through webs of deceit and corruption that has affected every facet of our lives. You will be treading where only the bravest of individual thinkers dare. You will have to work through years of being taught lies and coerced into behavior that robs you of your freedom and liberty. But for those who dare here are some books that will be a good beginning to getting a REAL education. Only the truth can set you free.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Killings in Libya: Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News

10:40am Sep 13
Here is the entire article for those of you unable to access the link....this is VERY IMPORTANT to understand........WAKE UP AMERICA......

Embassy Killings in Libya, the Stench of CIA/Mossad “False Flag”

Real Intelligence Reports at Total Odds with Reported News

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Investigations by me, published yesterday on Press TV’s website, cited “Reverand” and “Doctor” Terry Jones as the source of the videos cited for instigating violence across the Middle East.

Our investigation into Jones past showed him to be a trained CIA asset with direct ties to the Mossad. He served in Germany for years as an organizer for the CIA under the highly secret “Gladio” program until expelled by the German government. You can be a CIA agent, even a terrorist bomber but in Germany, if you buy a mail order PhD, it is a crime. “Dr.” Terry Jones would have been better off had he called himself “Agent” Terry Jones.

VT offers its heartfelt condolences to the family of Ambassador Stevens and the families of the other Americans lost in Libya.

Here is an MSNBC clip covering their “day late” discovery of Jones at the heart of what is a conspiracy, not only to cause unrest but as a cover for assassinations of US diplomats by highly trained special operations teams.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

The network news has been told to find a way to blame “Al Qaeda” on the killings at the embassy in Libya. It has now become an accepted fact that the demonstrations were orchestrated to cover the murders.

The video below is part of the streaming broadcast which includes scenes that are illegal to show, thus is only a short representation.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

First of all as to the “film” or whatever. As news managed to get past the “controllers,” it became obvious that the “Israeli” director never existed and the film had been financed by a group out of Las Vegas in the casino business tied directly to the Romney campaign.

This we know. You will see no reporting of this although the security around those funding the film and the quick “pounce” Romney made on Obama are enough to spark curiosity, if such a thing existed.

I am not willing to name Sheldon Adelson as the person who financed the film. Someone should ask him, however.

Normally, by now, we would have SITE Intelligence, the Mossad operation that takes credit in the name of invented terror organizations dig up a mysterious website taking credit.

(UPDATE) Below, dated 9/12/2012 at 11:35 PM we received the confirmation of the cover story. This time it was CNN as the fall guy, someone had to be stupid enough to get suckered into pulling out the “Al Qaeda did it” ruse. However, as their time stamp is on the article, what applies now is “caught in the act.” Below is the VT date stamp predicting the Al Qaeda story, by 6 hours and 13 minutes exactly:

We expected SITE Intelligence to fall for it but, instead, CNN has chosen to take part in the providing “cover and deception” for the attacks:

CNN Falls Victim, Set up by VT as Fall Guy for Attack Complicity

The reason that hasn’t happened is that the mainstream news went from “the evil Muslim mobs did it” to “it was a conspiracy” quicker than expected. Give them a day and they will come up with what has been asked of them. That?

A phony website is, in all probability, being prepared to announce that the attack in Libya and the special operations aspect of the killings of the American diplomats was done by “highly trained jihadists.”

I hope this announcement in advance doesn’t interfere with their efforts.

Actual intelligence sources in Libya have told us the following:

Printed and distributed days in advance

“The killings of the diplomats were done under the cover of the riots which had been orchestrated in advance over a series of days.

Four color printed placards were ready to distribute prior to the Jones “stream-cast” and groups had been warned in advance to prepare for a “serious foreign threat.”

The actual killings are said to have been done by a team of newly trained Special Forces from the United Arab Emirates working directly in conjunction with the Mossad.

Crowds were being managed by French DGSE agents, seen by the dozen, and British security service personnel were present but their role was not clear.

What is clear is that this was a carefully planned operation, orchestrating civil protests in order to facilitate the killing of American diplomats.”


The reasons for the entire operation are several. Two in particular are mentioned by analysts who actually observed some of the advance planning in both Egypt and Libya.

There are more than two, however.

Netanyahu wished to embarrass President Obama after receiving a “slight” over his upcoming visit to the US. Though Obama phoned Netanyahu, there will be no White House visit.
Netanyahu and his US affiliates carefully orchestrated these terror acts with supporters of the Romney camp including the “donors” responsible for the production of the original film.
CIA cooperation in an attack on American diplomats was arranged through Bush era intermediaries who manage contractor firms that are now tasked with all CIA “black ops”
Netanyahu is very upset at the US for scaling back joint military operations and actually citing Israel, during secret briefings, as a potential threat to US forces.
Netanyahu has been further emotionally destabilized by nearly violent confrontations with US Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey and US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, a close friend of President Obama’s.

As more information comes available and we are able to provide additional verifications, all printed above carries “double” verification already, we will keep our readers informed.


Nationalism & The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an expression of loyalty to the federal flag and the republic [sic] of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892 and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942.[1] The Pledge has been modified four times since its composition, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954.
Congressional sessions open with the recital of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, and meetings held by many private organizations. It is also commonly recited in school at the beginning of every school day, although the Supreme Court has ruled on several occasions that students cannot be compelled to recite the Pledge, or punished for not doing so. Unlikely that many Americans, especially those of us who have served in combat in the military, realize that the "Pledge" is not a pledge of allegiance to our country, but a pledge to the federal government of our country. It in no way was intended to be a patriotic pledge to protect and defend the Constitution. Americans do not seem to grasp this fact. So let's do some fact finding and take a look at the history of the Pledge of Allegiance.
 Who was Francis Bellamy? Well, he was a self avowed Socialist. He had been a Baptist Preacher, who was kicked out of the church for preaching that "Jesus was a Socialist."
His cousin, Edward was the author of the 1888 fantasy, "Looking Backward" in which the protagonist falls asleep and wakes up in the year 2000 in a socialist utopian world.
The Pledge of Allegiance author Francis Bellamy, "The true reason for allegiance to the flag," was to indoctrinate schoolchildren into the Lincolnian theory of the "perpetual"nature of the consolidated, unitary and omnipotent state. It was intended to ingrain into the minds of Americans [especially children of future generations] that no such thing as "state sovereignty" ever existed. You see the author believed. as did Lincoln, that only a totalitarian centralist state could produce a Utopian world. In this view it is easy to understand how closely Lincoln himself was in accord with what is known as totalitarian communism. Of course, the less offensive paradigm is world socialism, though none the less fascist. The author of the pledge had that socialist utopia in mind when he penned the pledge.
  You see, the Pledge of Allegiance is not so much a pledge to the symbol of a "Free" Republic, but rather to the almighty Centralist Federal Government Bureaucracy. For the Left and the Right believe in an all powerful omnipotent State Bureaucracy. It is imperative and the Pledge was designed as tool with which to brainwash us all with the virtues of the monopolistic, consolidated corporate State. The ideal of State Sovereignty had to be destroyed entirely. Since it was so imperative to assure loyalty to the centralist government when the perpetual war campaign was implemented during WWII the words "under God" were added in 1954. The intent was to foster blind obedience to the all powerful central government, by making it no longer popular to question the dictates of the Federal Government. This also perpetuated the ideal in our youth that it is of the highest honor to march off to battle to the death for the illusion of "Protecting Freedom," when in fact it is to advance whatever notion of the omnipotent Federal Government deems necessary to spread the globalist New World Order.
 For anyone like myself to point out such hypocrisy as an Obama or other socialist/communists refusing to pledge allegiance when it has served the socialist Lincolnites for so long is sort of comedic. Yet my compatriots rail against any question of the pledge without any clue about when or why it was composed and what it was designed to perpetuate. 
  No doubt Lincoln worshipers will rail at me for this, but if one studies the truth about Lincoln they will understand what his intentions were and how he set in motion the totalitarian centralist monopoly. It is ominous enough that the Corporate Bureaucracy has totalitarian control of our lives, but it even controls "ideas" and only allows ideas to flourish which it deems useful to the almighty state. {note: Hitler was a great admirer of Lincoln and Bismark was almost a carbon copy of Lincoln. Hitler often referred to Lincoln].
 But slowly Americans are beginning to question the Emperor and as has been the case throughout history the more imposing the tyrant the more likely his collapse. Each day leaders of both parties have a wish list of new impositions on the body public and each day some new dictate imposing their will over individual freedoms emits from the almighty throne in DC. Slowly Americans are beginning to see that the throne is the problem not just the jester seated on the throne. Awareness of the truth about our history since Lincoln's war is beginning to come to light not just the infrastructure morphing by the Wilson/Dewey era and the outright Marxist materialism impositions of the FDR era. That is important. Because understanding the intent of "Nationalism" to destroy state sovereignty is a step towards Globalism destruction of nationalism, another extermination of Sovereignty of states and nations. The step by step process is well understood by the proponents of socialism [communism and other centralist monopolists-corporate statists]. That is why now God and the Pledge of Allegiance to any national symbol is being destroyed by the new generation of Globalist Socialists.  They want eventually a pledge to the UN or Global Government. That is their goal and the first step, nationalism is now archaic in their view.