Saturday, September 25, 2004

Service Personnel Worry about Re-Enlisting Under Kerry

Seems that the professional sevice personnel are not re-enlisting until the results of the election. They voice one concern, John Forbes Kerry. They point out that they do not want to serve under the leadership of John Kerry should he be elected. This concern among professional armed service personnel is not isolated. In fact it seems that the overwhelming number of those who are due to re-enlist are not willing to be led by Kerry as Commander-in-Chief. Several have reported that Kerry's stated intent to deploy American forces only when under the auspices of the United Nations is unacceptable. Others simply state that Kerry is an unacceptable Commander-in-Chief.
This further's this blog editor's statements about Kerry deviding the nation, alienating us from our allies and lowering American's self esteem since his self serving anti-American activities 1970 through 1972. He has always been quick to criticise America, but slow to point out the falures of other ideoligies.
The best this patriot can hope for is that come November John Forbes Kerry will be soundly defeated in his ambition to become President and that the blunder of the Democratic National Committee will become notoriously referenced in our nation's history, ending Kerry's political ambitions in America. Maybe he will move to some communist country and stake a claim to their government's highest office. He has certainly served them well enough. And for America it will be "goodbye and good ridence."


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