Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Clearing out the bullshit for 2008

The re-election of President Bush demonstrates a new consciousness by Americans to the threats to the foundation upon which this country was built. There was in this election a war cry from across the nation that no longer would America be subjected to the will of unAmerican influences. The celebrations of the election results are not even in full swing and already the majority who demonstrated by going to the polls and seeing to it that there was no question as to their support of what our nation is about are contemplating what should be done to assure consistent restoration of those values.

The election shows that Americans have turned a corner and no longer will be complacent in the political process. They understand that in the future there is hope that even more eligible voters will actually go to the polls and exercise their right to be part of the decisions made by their leaders. It is evident by their concern for the next election that they now understand the importance of their influence in Washington. In order to keep that renewed spirit alive in our fellow Americans it is important for those of us who were so instrumental in kettling that spirit to continue to pressure the major media's to report more than the isolated "ugly" incidents which fuel sympathy for their personal agendas. We must not relent upon pressuring our leaders to lead in accordance with the conscience of the majority of America.

Instead of looking for a viable candidate for 2008 we must mold one who will represent the true will of the American majority. By that I mean that by making it clear that we demand that our leaders remain true to the American ideals set forth by our founding fathers. This country was founded upon the ideal that WE THE PEOPLE should control our government, not the other way around. Great strides were taken in this election. The opportunity to create within the minds of those who will represent our will in government [from top to bottom] is within our grasp. We have three years to temper a candidate to our will and bring that candidate to the primaries in the next election to see to it that the will of the majority continues to lead our country into the future. Instead of looking for a candidate in the ranks of the party elites let us forge the candidates to represent our will and see who demonstrates their ability to fulfill those duties in exercising our will in Washington. It is by example and actual effort that leader reveals their understanding of the majority's will. We have three years to see which one of the eligibles will recognize and become true to our collective will. We have three years in which to make our will perfectly clear to our leaders. If we are vigilant the eligibles will "get it" and one will stand out by the time we have to choose a new leader. Lets begin forging that candidate now by keeping the flame of America's majority stoked.

WE THE PEOPLE can lead by example and command our leadership in Washington.

The Blog Editor: Michael Turley


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