Thursday, January 27, 2005


We will remove Senator John Kerry from Congressional office and bring legal action against him for treason and giving aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war. We will finally receive justice for all Americans, and for America herself.

Get involved. America's future depends upon what YOU DO TODAY!

2004 was the first time in my sixty years upon this planet that WE THE PEOPLE affected a real and significant MAJORITY's will upon our governmental process, the elitist controlled media and the pseudo-intellectual academia. But we only made a tiny hole in the wall of misinformation and elitist abuse of power. However, if WE THE PEOPLE raise our voices to a higher level by insisting that this criminal be brought to justice for high crimes against our nation we will be setting a precedent for the future. We will affect a fear among those who would defy the will of WE THE PEOPLE, putting them on notice that they are first OUR employees. They lead only upon our approval and are answerable to WE THE PEOPLE. We will be taking another step towards restoring the Constitution and the principles upon which this country was founded.

The future of our nation, the future for our children, depends upon what we do in the next few months. For if there is any hope of restoring our nation to "WE THE PEOPLE" through political action it is NOW, TODAY.

Make no mistake, the elitists will resist. It will not be an easy fight. It will require the same persistence and determination, even more perseverance than 2004, but it can and MUST be done. The cynics among us will scoff, just as the cynics scoffed in 2004. We got the job done then and we must prevail in this effort.

Be vigilant. Get involved TODAY.



To bring John Forbes Kerry to justice is all important to "WE THE PEOPLE" taking responsiblity for governing ourselves and making our elected officals accountable to the true power of our government as intended by the framers of the Consitution. To that end a new action group has been formed. Kerry's Treason will be devoted to seeing this traitor impeached and tried for high crimes against the United States of America.

We will need every American's support to overcome the elitist zeitgeist which controls our government. 2004 was the first time in my sixty years on this planet that the MAJORITY of America has made a real and significant impact upon our government, the media and our too long pseudo-intellectual educational institutions. But the job is not done. In fact we have only just penetrated the wall of misinformation and agenda driven media and academia. Trust me, the elitists who run the government are scared as hell that Americans are going to become responsible "WE THE PEOPLE" and force them to the will of "WE THE PEOPLE" as is intended by the Constitution. It will not be an easy fight. The elitists have ruled unabated since Abraham Lincoln was president. To restore the precepts of the Constitution requires public vigilance and ACTION by "WE THE PEOPLE." The first step will be holding EVERY government official [employee: our President, Cabinet, Congress and every government offical are employees of 'WE THE PEOPLE"]. By holding Kerry accountable, and bringing him before the court to be tried we will put every one of our employees on notice that the MAJORITY of Americans will no longer tolerate abuse of our trust. They will live up to their OATH OF OFFICE, serving "WE THE PEOPLE" as we dictate or they will be removed and ostrocized from political influence. The media will be forced to return to the people and be answerable for their reporting of local, national and world affairs. Our educational insitutions will be forced to teach the truth about American history and the principles upon which America was founded. We will wrist power from the enemies of the Constitution and America. The time is NOW. We have found voice and we must not lose that voice. If there is any hope for restoring the Consitution and the principles upon which this country was founded through political action it is NOW, TODAY. The future of our nation and our childrens' future rests squarely upon what "WE THE PEOPLE" do in the next few months.

Make no mistake, the established elitist leadership will resist every way possible. The media will try to superess our efforts because they are controlled by the elitists. Even some who would support our efforts are too cynical to get involved. It will be up to the principled few to lead this fight just as it was the principled few who ignited the MAJORITY in 2004. But it can and will, and MUST, be done. It is that unwavering persistence, the will to see it through no matter what, which will affect the success of this endeavor. And once Kerry is brought to justice we can begin to affect the changes so desperately needed to save our nation.

You can be part of the vanguard to bring Kerry to justice...

GO HERE..., & We will remove Senator John Kerry from Congressional office and bring legal action against him for treason and giving aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war. We will finally receive justice for all Americans, and for America herself.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005



By bringing this TRAITOR to justice WE THE PEOPLE can put other Congressmen and national "servants" of WE THE PEOPLE that we will no longer tolerate the double standard, that the press and media core will no longer dictate how we respond to OUR government and that once and for all WE THE PEOPLE will take charge of our government, that those who serve will be OUR servants, not their own self serving dictators governing WE THE PEOPLE.

Why? Is this so important you say. Because, your, OUR, country is being robbed of it's richest resource..., The Constitution of the Union of States. FREEDOM, yours, mine and our children's depends upon what we DO now, HERE AND NOW. Because in my sixty years on the planet this is the first time the American MAJORITY has TAKEN voice to be heard. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. IF YOU VALUE FREEDOM THE TIME TO FIGHT FOR IT IS NOW, RIGHT HERE AT HOME. May GOD move your souls to take up the pen, raise your voices, endure the fight which will surely follow anhd restore the Constitution and our nation.

The following is a start....

As Vietnam Veterans, WWII Veterans, Veterans of all Wars, and concerned American citizens:
It is our intent to impeach Massachusetts Senator John Kerry because his service in the Senate is unconstitutional.
It is our intent to bring legal action against Senator John Kerry for giving aid and comfort to our enemies during a time of war and acts of treason he committed while a United States Navy Reservist.

Below are just some of the crimes Lt. John Kerry committed as a U.S. Navy Ready Reservist, while he was the principal leader and national spokesman for the rabid pro-Communist Vietnam Veterans Against the War (V.V.A.W.) organization:
1. As VVAW leader, Lt. Kerry met with North Vietnamese Communists and South Vietnamese Communists (Viet Cong) in Paris. After returning to the United States, Lt. Kerry advocated Viet Cong leader Madam Binh's so-called "Peace Proposal". Kerry's acts were in direct violation of the UCMJ, the U.S. Code, and the U.S. Constitution.
In his testimony before Congress on April 22, 1971, Kerry stated, "My feeling, Senator, is undoubtedly this Congress, and I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I do not believe that this Congress will, in fact, end the war as we would like to, which is immediately and unilaterally and, therefore, if I were to speak I would say we would set a date and the date obviously would be the earliest possible date. But I would like to say, in answering that, that I do not believe it is necessary to stall any longer. I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government and of all eight of Madam Binh's points it has been stated time and time again, and was stated by Senator Vance Hartke when he returned from Paris, and it has been stated by many other officials of this Government, if the United States were to set a date for withdrawal the prisoners of war would be returned."

2. As a VVAW leader, while still a U.S. Navy Reservist, Lt. Kerry participated in a meeting where a plan to assassinate members of the U.S. Senate was discussed. Former Marine and VVAW member, Scott Camil, who introduced the idea, stated he had training ranges already set up for rifle, pistol, and mortar practice. In an interview in October, 1992, Camil stated, "...“I did not think it was terrible at the time. My plan was that, on the last day…we would go into the [congressional] offices…we would schedule the most hard-core hawks for last-and we would shoot them all.”
3. Lt. Kerry attended many rallies where the Viet Cong flag was displayed with honor while our flag was desecrated, defiled, and mocked. Even the cover of a book John Kerry wrote features shabbily-clothed "soldiers" mocking the Iwo Jima Memorial and raising the American flag upside down.
4. Lt. Kerry lied under oath against fellow soldiers before the U.S. Senate about crimes committed in Viet Nam.
5. Lt. Kerry and the VVAW he lead received direct instructions from and maintained direct negotiations with the North Vietnamese Government.
6. Lt. Kerry was involved in a meeting that accepted a proposal to "contact 2,000 active-duty GI's in South Vietnam and in effect ask them for a mutinous action by refusing to take up arms when ordered to do so."
The list goes on and on. However, because we intend to file a lawsuit, we will not detail all of his treasonous activities.

Violation of US Constitution 14th Amendment Section 3No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress,or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Back to Top of PageViolation of 18 US CODE 2381Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Back to Top of PageViolation of 18 US CODE 953Private Correspondence with Foreign Governments
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects. Back to Top of PageViolation of UCMJ Section 904. ART. 104Aiding The Enemy
Any person who--(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly; shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct. Back to Top of Page

U.S. Veteran Dispatch
P.O. Box 246
Kinston, N.C. 28502


Thursday, January 20, 2005


A Warning for America from South Africa

By Gemma Meyer(Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a South African journalist. She and her husband, a former conservative member of parliament, still reside in South Africa.) used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and the gay rights movement). Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveal trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country. America's structures are Western. Your Congress, your lobbying groups, your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore politics are peculiarly Western, not the way most of the world operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character. Writing letters to the press, manning stands at county fairs, hosting fund-raising dinners, attending rallies, setting up conferences, writing your Congressman - that is what you know, and what you are comfortable with. Those are the political methods you've created for yourselves to keep your country on track and to ensure political accountability. But woe to you if - or more likely, when - the rules change. White Americans may soon find themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. Unable to cope with the new rules of the game - violence, mob riots, intimidation through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and power from the haves - Americans, like others before them, will no doubt cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life. That is exactly what happened in South Africa. I know, because I was there and I saw it happen. Faced with revolution in the streets, strikes, civil unrest and the sheer terror and murder practiced by Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC), the white government simply capitulated in order to achieve "peace." Westerners need peace. They need order and stability. They are builders and planners. But what we got was the peace of the grave for our society.

The Third World is different - different peoples with different pasts and different cultures. Yet Westerners continue to mistake the psychology of the Third World and its peoples. Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are perfect examples of those mistakes. Sierra Leone is in perpetual civil war, and Zimbabwe - once the thriving, stable Rhodesia - is looting the very people (the white men) who feed the country. Yet Westerners do not admit that the same kind of savagery could come to America when enough immigrants of the right type assert themselves.

The fact is, Americans are sitting ducks for Third World exploitation of the Western conscience of compassion. Those in the West who forced South Africa to surrender to the ANC and its leaders did not consider Africa to be the dangerous, corrupt, and savage place it is now in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Those Western politicians now have a similar problem looming on their own doorsteps: the demand for power and treasure from the non-Western peoples inside the realm. It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace. White South Africans, you should remember, have been in that part of Africa for the same amount of time whites have inhabited North America; yet ultimately South Africans voted for their own suicide.

We are not so very different from you. We lost our country through skillful propaganda, pressure from abroad (not least from the U.S.A.), unrelenting charges of "oppression" and "racism," and the shrewd assessment by African tyrants that the white man has many Achilles' heels, the most significant of which are his compassion, his belief in the "equality of man," and his "love your neighbor" philosophy - none of which are part of the Third World's history.

The mainline churches played a big role in the demise of Western influence throughout Africa, too; especially in South Africa. Today's tyrants were yesterday's mission-school proteges. Many dictators in Africa were men of the cloth. They knew their clerical collars would deflect criticism and obfuscate their real aims, which had nothing whatever to do with the "brotherhood of man." Other tyrants, like the infamous Idi Amin, were trained and schooled by the whites themselves, at Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard. After receiving the best from the West, they unleashed a resentful bloodlust against their benefactors. From what I have seen and read thus far, I fear Americans will capitulate just as we did.

Americans are, generally, a soft lot. They don't want to quarrel or obstruct the claims of those who believe they were wronged. They like peace and quiet, and they want to compromise and be nice.A television program that aired in South Africa showed a town meeting somewhere in Southern California where people met to complain about falling standards in the schools. Whites who politely spoke at the meeting clearly resented the influx of Mexican immigrants into their community. When a handful of Chicanos at the back of the hall shouted and waved their hands at them, the whites simply shrunk back into their seats rather than tell the noisemakers to shut up. They didn't want to quarrel. In America, the courts are still the final arbiters of society's laws. But what will happen when your future majority refuses to abide by court rulings - as in Zimbabwe. What will happen when the new majority says the judges are racists, and that they refuse to acknowledge "white man's justice"? What will happen when the courts are filled with their people, or their sympathizers? In California, Proposition 187 has already been overturned. What will you do when the future non-white majority decides to change the names of streets and cities? What will you do when they no longer want to use money that carries the portraits of old, dead white "racists" and slave owners? Will you cave in, like you did on flying the Confederate flag? What about the national anthem? Your official language? Don't laugh. When the "majority" took over in South Africa, the first targets were our national symbols.In another generation, America may well face what Africa is now experiencing - invasions of private land by the "have-nots;" the decline in health care quality; roads and buildings in disrepair; the banishment of your history from the education of the young; the revolutionization of your justice system. In South Africa today, only 9 percent of murderers end up in jail. Court dockets are regularly purchased and simply disappear. Magistrates can be bribed as can the prison authorities, making escapes commonplace. Vehicle and airplane licenses are regularly purchased, and forged school and university certificates are routine. What would you think of the ritual slaughter of animals in your neighbor's backyard? How do you clean up the blood and entrails that litter your suburban streets? How do you feel about the practice of witchcraft, in which the parts of young girls and boys are needed for "medicinal" purposes? How do you react to the burning of witches? Don't laugh. All that is quite common in South Africa today. Don't imagine that government officials caught with their fingers in the till will be punished. Excuses - like the need to overcome generations of white racism - will be found to exonerate the guilty. In fact, known criminals will be voted into office because of a racial solidarity among the majority that doesn't exist among the whites. When Ian Smith of the old Rhodesia tried to stand up to the world, white South African politicians were among the Westerners pressuring him to surrender. When Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe murders his political opponents, ignores unfavorable court decisions, terrorizes the population and siphons off millions from the state treasury for himself and his friends, South Africa's new President Thabo Mbeki holds his hand and declares his support. That just happened a few weeks ago. Your tax dollars will go to those who don't earn and don't pay. In South Africa, organizations that used to have access to state funds such as old age homes, the arts, and veterans' services, are simply abandoned. What will happen is that Western structures in America will be either destroyed from without, or transformed from within, used to suit the goals of the new rulers. And they will reign either through terror, as in Zimbabwe today, or exert other corrupt pressures to obtain, or buy votes.

Once power is in the hands of aliens, don't expect loyalty or devotion to principle from those whose jobs are at stake. One of the most surprising and tragic components of the disaster in South Africa is how many previously anti-ANC whites simply moved to the other side.

Once you lose social, cultural, and political dominance, there is no getting it back again.Unfortunately, your habits and values work against you. You cannot fight terror and street mobs with letters to your Congressmen. You cannot fight accusations of racism with prayer meetings. You cannot appeal to the goodness of your fellow man when the fellow man despises you for your weaknesses and hacks off the arms and legs of his political opponents. To survive, Americans must never lose the power they now enjoy to people from alien cultures. Above all, don't put yourselves to the test of fighting only when your backs are against the wall. You will probably fail. Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. What they want are your posessions, your power, and your status. And they already know that their allies among you, the "human rights activists," the skillful lawyers and the left-wing politicians will fight for them, and not for you. They will exploit your compassion and your Christian charity, and your good will. They have studied you, Mr. and Mrs. America, and they know your weaknesses well. They know what to do. Do you?

Anyone reading this who thinks that it can't happen here isn't paying attention to what is happening around them. Everyday our way of life, our nation's Constitution, our ethics and principles are being attacked by so-called progressive leftists. Everyday our instituions of higher learning, ruled by leftist psuedo-intellectuals are indoctrinating our young people to surrender rather than fight for the ideals upon which our country was founded and sacrifice their principles for peace with those who would destroy our country.
If my views make me a REDNECK, then I, by GOD, and for my soul, am proud to be a Redneck.
If I am sterotyped as a "whatever" due to my refusal to be "Politically Correct," then so be it.
If push comes to shove and I am labelled a criminal because I stand resolutely for the principles and ethics which once guided our forefathers, then let GOD be my judge and jury, for death is no deterent to doing the right thing.
If there is but one fear it is that any fear would prevent me from fighting to preserve our nation for future generations.
Be ever vigilant lest you sacrifice freedom and justice for what you precieve as peace. For there can be no peace where there is no freedom nor respect for truth.

Pay Attention America

Open Letter from David Horowitz

[some of you will remember David as one of the leaders of the anti-war protestors of the Vietnam Era. If anyone should know what the left is up to David should]

Recently, one of the most liberal columnists in the nation sounded the alarm to her political allies, claiming that my efforts to promote academic freedom and intellectual diversity on college campuses are the greatest threats to their agendas.

Not the fact that Republicans control the White House, Congress and soon the Judiciary.
According to Ellen Goodman, that is a trifle compared to what I am doing. Goodman is the leftwing syndicated columnist and agenda setter who writes for The Washington Post, The Boston Globe and dozens of elitist papers.

Goodman writes, "While many of us assume that the right is busily targeting the highest court as their last unoccupied power base, a whole subset of conservatives is after higher education."
Then Goodman names names.

"One group led by David Horowitz has been pushing an `academic bill of rights' aimed at what is called liberal bias." Actually my bill of rights is viewpoint neutral. It will protect leftwing students from harassment by conservative professors and conservative students from harassment by "liberal" professors. The fact is, however, that thanks to a 30-year blacklist imposed by the left, 90% of college professors are political leftists, and in the coming years this imbalance is going to get even worse.

Goodman explains why I am so dangerous: "Conservatives have long regarded universities as the last spider holes of liberalism. They regard professors as lefty holdouts who spend their days indoctrinating the younger generation on the virtues of Che Guevara."
On this point Goodman is 100 percent accurate!

In her own article attacking me, she admits that the left wing continues to have a stranglehold on American college campuses as she writes:
"Two new studies point to campuses as oases of blue [state, liberal thinking]. The first, a survey of 1,000 academics, shows that there are seven Democrats for every Republican in the humanities and social sciences. The Democrat-Republican odds are 30 to 1 in anthropology and even 3 to 1 in economics."

"A second study of voter registration records shows that Democrats outnumber Republicans 9 to 1 on the faculties of` Berkeley and Stanford."

"And as a side dish, the Center for Responsive Politics reports that the biggest donors to John Kerry's campaign were employees from the University of California and from Harvard."

Goodman can't refute what we know to be true: College campuses have become a one-party state where leftists rule.

Introduce intellectual diversity and a competition of ideas on college campuses and the political left will have to come up with a whole new set of arguments or wither on the vine.

You can help me liberate our college campuses. Go here to help!
My Conversion and the Center for Study of the Popular Culture
At the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC), we're fighting back.
I founded the CSPC because I know the danger posed by the left in general and the academic left in particular, the so-called "liberals" who can't tolerate a different point of view. Back in the 1960s, I was one of them. But I eventually saw that their agendas were anything but "progressive" -- as they like to describe themselves. They wanted the United States to lose the Vietnam War, just as they want America to be defeated in the war in Iraq today.
The anti-Vietnam left was successful. American withdrew from the battlefield in Vietnam and the Communists won, just as the left hoped. After the Communists won, they proceeded to slaughter two and a half million peasants in Cambodia and Vietnam. There were no protests from the left over that.

That's when I realized how destructive my fellow leftists (today's so-called liberals) were. That's when I renounced my leftist politics, voted for Ronald Reagan, and joined the conservative cause.

Today, leftist professors are openly calling for America's defeat in Iraq and in the war on terror. Robert Jensen, for example, is a professor at the University of Texas. As American marines engaged Sunni terrorists in a fierce battle in Falluja on December 03, 2004, Jensen wrote: "The United States has lost the war in Iraq, and that's a good thing.... I welcome the U.S. defeat... it's essential the American empire be defeated and dismantled."

Today, leftist professors assign exams with essay topics instructing students to "Explain why George Bush is a war criminal" (this actually happened at a university in Colorado).
Today, leftist professors are indoctrinating students to hate their country and to sympathize with terrorists.

Today, leftist textbooks are telling students that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" and that "America is the greatest terrorist state."

That's why I have launched a campus crusade to end the indoctrination of American students and to restore educational values to our universities. I have created a national organization, Students for Academic Freedom, on 135 college campuses. We are moving legislation for an Academic Bill of Rights in more than 20 states. We have already changed the face of the educational system of Colorado, where the state university system has adopted the Academic Bill of Rights.

Meet Brett Mock
I want to tell you a story about a young man's experience at Ball State University in Indiana.
His story shows two things so clearly.
First, it shows how political (and radical) colleges and universities have become.
Second, it shows why, in the post-9/11 world, they pose a grave danger to the future security of America.
And I want to show you how urgent it is for you to help me fight back.
Meet Brett Mock. He is a political science major at Ball State.

Last year he enrolled in a course called "Introduction to Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution."
He expected to study various ways of resolving conflict, including the use of military force.
Instead, he found a radical professor, George Wolfe, who believed that fighting back against violent aggression is never acceptable.

He told his class that even if a gang started shooting students on campus, they should not fight back "regardless of how many students would be lost in the shooting." He said the students should "hide until the gang runs out of bullets."

However, this pacifist philosophy didn't hold when it came to terrorism.
The textbook Professor Wolfe uses states that "terrorism" is a relative term depending on perspective, and that "often one person's `terrorist' is another's `freedom fighter.'"

In a section devoted to the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the authors sympathetically quote Osama bin Laden's characterization of Americans as "the worst terrorists in the world."

Other readings assigned in the course called U.S. policies the root cause of the 9/11 attacks and criticized U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq - with no opposing views presented!

As we've come to expect from academic leftists, no opposing opinions were tolerated. Brett's grades were lowered when he wrote papers arguing against Professor Wolfe's beliefs, on the grounds that Brett clearly "didn't understand how peaceful resistance worked."

But when Brett, worried about his final grade, wrote a positive review of an anti-American book by Noam Chomsky, he received an A+ and 10 extra-credit points!

Professor Wolfe has no qualifications to teach such a course. He is a professor of the saxophone in the music department, with a doctorate in higher education and a course in mediation. He is also an advisor to a Buddhist peace cult. The President and Provost of Ball State have defended Wolfe's course and his credentials when challenged by us. That's why we're going to the legislature for help.

Professor Wolfe also leads some radical groups on campus and requires participation in one of these programs in order to receive full credit in his class.

And he gave extra credit to students who attended a paid trip to Washington, D.C., to protest the war in Iraq.

In fact, under the guise of teaching an academic course, the professor is indoctrinating students, recruiting them to his anti-American groups, and involving them in national leftist organizations.
Brett Mock objected to this bias and distortion, forcefully and articulately.

But as so often happens, the administration at Ball State defended Professor Wolfe and dismissed Brett's complaints, without even speaking to him in person. Is this just a fluke - one biased course at one college? Far from it!

Go here to contribute now! Brett Mock Is Not Alone
There are 250 "Peace Studies" programs like this one nationwide - teaching students to identify with America's terrorist enemies and to identify America as a "Great Satan" oppressing the world's poor and causing them to go hungry.

There are countless more professors giving their students the same anti-American indoctrination in other courses on other campuses.

And there are thousands of spineless administrators who refuse to stand up for academic freedom, fairness, and intellectual diversity.

Unfortunately, there are comparatively few students like Brett Mock. Brett ended up with a B+ in the course, since he soon realized he could succeed by simply parroting back the professor's line in his papers.

But he didn't stop speaking out against the course, and he is continuing to fight against this kind of indoctrination.

That's why I'm asking you to consider a special contribution right now to Students for Academic Freedom - to help students like Brett stand up for their rights and beliefs. Help us to get the Academic Bill of Rights passed in Indiana.

With these funds we will set up and fund chapters of Students for Academic Freedom on campuses across America.
With our support, chapters of SAF have full legal and logistical support - including our national organization to help publicize their activities and the shocking things colleges are up to.
Please follow this link to make your donation right now.

A Brainwashed Generation

Here is the vital question this story forces us to face:
How long can America - today at war with ruthless enemies - survive if its educational institutions continue to be subverted by radical leftists in this way?

America's colleges and universities are producing a generation of young people who are being taught that their country is a source of evil, that war is never justified, and that our enemies have truth and justice on their side.

Of course not all students are brainwashed into believing this. Yet it cannot be a coincidence that voters aged 18-29 were the only age group that voted in the majority for John Kerry (54-45 percent).
This is why ideologues like Ellen Goodman are so frightened by my activities. They know that they must keep alive their breeding grounds or their political agendas will fail.
I've spoken to many, many parents who were heartbroken when they innocently sent their children off to college only to see them indoctrinated instead of educated and turned into radicals by their professors.
At the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC), we're fighting back. There are 250 Peace Studies programs at universities across America, and they are virtually identical in substance and political agenda to the course at Ball State.

At Ball State, as at 135 other campuses, we have organized chapters of Students for Academic Freedom (SAF), a group dedicated to restoring academic freedom and educational values to America's institutions of higher learning, and ending the indoctrination of students by their professors.

The president of Students for Academic Freedom at Ball State is none other than Brett Mock.
Brett Mock took his complaints to our national SAF, and the group went directly to the administration on his behalf.

When they met with excuses, they and Brett continued to publicize the issues within the university. SAF also gathered information on the widespread abuse of academic freedom in other departments and courses in other Indiana universities.

And they are now working with Indiana's state legislature and state officials, informing them of the problem, and calling upon them to adopt the Academic Bill of Rights.
The Academic Bill of Rights Works

This document calls for academic freedom and intellectual diversity, protecting professors and students from having political or ideological orthodoxy imposed upon them.

As I have already mentioned, through the efforts of CSPC, the Academic Bill of Rights has already become the educational policy of the Colorado and is in the legislatures of 20 other states.

Students for Academic Freedom is a project of CSPC.
We set it up because the campuses are filled with courses like the one Brett Mock took - and with professors who refuse to entertain points of view opposed to their radical politics - and with spineless administrations who turn a blind eye to the propaganda that has replaced true teaching in so many courses.

SAF works on individual cases like Brett's, and on changing the overall intellectual climate on the campuses.

We stay alert for instances of leftist intimidation of students, classroom indoctrination, forcing students to express a certain point of view, violations of free speech, and other forms of political discrimination - and we've had some stunning successes, including:
Our victory in a reinstatement for a student at San Francisco State University after she had been expelled for political reasons.
Our campaigns to alert students and faculty to one-sided Palestinian conferences at Ohio State and Duke.
Our efforts to expose a teacher promoting wildly revisionist history at Indiana State, causing her to step down.
These are just a few of hundreds of successful actions.
And thanks to our relentless publicity and our promotion of the Academic Bill of Rights, the students at universities such as Columbia and Yale are becoming increasingly and vocally aware of the need for intellectual diversity.

After years of almost complete leftist domination of the campuses, we are beginning to turn things around.

But we need funds to continue this work. Students for Academic Freedom depends entirely on CSPC for its funding. And we at CSPC depend entirely on voluntary contributions from people like you.

This is why I'm hoping you will make a credit card contribution right now of $25, $35, $50, $100 or even $1,000 if possible to the Center today to help us raise $175,000 as soon as possible.

The students who have been helped by us are incredibly grateful. Most of them have felt isolated and besieged by the oppressive leftist atmosphere at their colleges.
Many have found allies among the other students as a result of our publicizing their cases. Often new groups have formed that go on to do effective work.
So your contribution will be accomplishing two things: Besides helping to end the overwhelming leftist bias on campuses, you will be giving real moral support to courageous students like Brett Mock who have stood alone for their principles.
Brett and other students have expressed their appreciation - and often their amazement - that strangers would come to their aid.
But even though we don't all know each other personally, we're all in the same fight - you and I and these great students. This is why I am so hopeful that you will help us out so that we can help them.

Thanks in advance for whatever amount you can give. Go here!

David Horowitz, President & FounderCenter for the Study of Popular Culture

PS: The whole story of Brett Mock, his battle over the "Peace Studies" course, and what we are doing to help is a fascinating one with many more important details than I have space to tell you here.

When you make a tax-deductible contribution of $40 or more to CSPC's campaign, I'll send you a copy of Indoctrination or Education? - a pamphlet that tells the whole story of Brett Mock's ordeal at Ball State University - and also a copy of my new book, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left. It's already sold out in many bookstores across the country, but I still have copies reserved for you. This is a value of almost $30 with no charge for shipping.
PPS: If you can make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more, I will send you a free autographed copy of my book "Unholy Alliance."
Go Here Now to Support This Effort!

For information on advertising at, please contact Corrine McNurlin via e-mail or call 888-766-7542.

POSTED BY THIS BLOG EDITOR FYI "The fight for our nation is here and now!"


This affects every American. Americans are being sold out and our courts are aiding in the eradication of the Constitution. Unless we take action future generations are in peril.

The fight is here and now. Living in denial will guarantee our children and grand-children never have a chance to be free, or that they will be forced into a violent revolution because we ignored our duties to insure their future. The choice is what future you/we wish upon them. Pray that we do not let them down. For God will judge us by what we choose here and now.

January 2005
Michael New dismissed from U.S. District Court
U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C. – On December 22, District Judge Paul Friedman granted the government’s motion to dismiss the case of Michael New vs. Rumsfeld, et al. He issued a 34 page ruling, which can be found at our website, here:

In a most unusual argument, Judge Friedman said that, in effect, it may well be true that President Clinton broke the law by sending troops into Macedonia, but it is the fault of Congress!! Why? Because they let him get away with it! That it is not the right of an individual soldier to stand up to his Commander in Chief, even when he issues an unlawful order! (Didn’t we settle that question at Nuremburg?)

Besides, says Judge Friedman, “This challenge [to U.N. control] presents a non-justiciable political question.” In other words, the court claims to have no authority to deal with the major issue raised by Michael New and his attorneys.
What next?
The question was, “Shall we appeal, and if so, what are our chances of winning?”
The answer was, “What are the chances of winning if we don’t appeal?”
Yes, we shall appeal!
Our deadline for filing our notice of appeal is January 24, 2005.
Which just happens to be the NINTH anniversary of the convening of SPC Michael New’s court martial in Schweinfurt, Germany.

The average army recruit today is 18 years old, but he/she was only nine years old when this case began. Will they retire from service before this important question of law is answered?
Our appeal will be to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia — only a stone's throw from the United States Supreme Court. Now that we have obtained from Judge Friedman a clearer statement of the government's position, we are hopeful of victory before a three-judge panel. We’ll be asking, of course, for reversal of the military court-martial conviction and Bad Conduct Discharge, and an order to the U.S. Army to retry the charges against Michael, but this time affording him due process of law. If we lose, we will take Michael's case to the highest court, and once again seek to validate Mike's stand that an American soldier cannot be forced to serve under foreign officers as UN mercenaries at the whim of the President.

And then, we will have our answer as to whether this Republic is really dead, or whether there is life left in it worth fighting for.

In the meantime, what can you be doing? Of course, you can support this battle financially, with a contribution to the legal defense fund, at either the Virginia or the Texas addresses. More importantly, you can get copies of the book, MICHAEL NEW – Mercenary… or American Soldier?, and place it in the hands of young people, of men and women in uniform, of veterans, of elected officials. They need to read why this case is still so important to their freedom.
We make the book available at the ridiculous price of a full case of fifty books for fifty dollars – that’s right! A buck a book! And we’ve had some people say, “I don’t think I could ever give away 50 books, but let me pay for someone who can!” And then we find some soldier who says, “I don’t have $50, but I can give away a hundred books to my fellow soldiers.” It all works out. So far, we’ve given away over 22,000 copies of the book to military personnel – thanks to you! Do you think that’s one of the reasons that they are becoming less and less happy with being used as foreign mercenaries? We like to think so. Order these books only from the Texas address.

Back by popular demand!!! You might also like to order a high quality t-shirt for yourself or for a gift. You can order on-line at, not from us in Texas. (We are out of the apparel industry, but Oughtsixwear is not.) A portion of each sale will go to the legal defense fund. Our thanks to Tom and crew for bringing these back. They get comments, supportive comments, everywhere you wear them.

Michael New Action Fund P.O. Box 100 Iredell, Texas 76649

May GOD direct and guide us in restoring the principles upon which this great nation was founded. And in the doing restore us as just and principled beings worthy of GOD.

Your Blog Editor

Sunday, January 02, 2005



Attached please find two releases detailing America's long-overdue Welcome Home celebration for Vietnam veterans. I have also pasted text versions of the releases into this e-mail for ease of access. The event will be coordinated nationwide between November 10-13, 2005, with the city of Las Vegas acting as host community. Activities tied to Operation Welcome Home will include a variety of reunions, the world's largest Welcome Home parade (synchronized in cities throughout the nation), a beautiful coffee table book celebrating Vietnam veterans and their powerful positive legacy, and much more.The event was inspired by the popular Vietnam memoir Naked In Da Nang, which is prompting Americans to revisit their perception of Vietnam veterans.

Organizers are using the holiday lull to refine all the intricate plans and prepare to hit the ground running after the first of the year. Please feel free to contact any of the organizers via phone or e-mail with questions. Many high profile individuals and organizations will be involved with this event and with the vital mission of finally healing the wounds of the Vietnam era. We ask for your support in building a dynamic and meaningful celebration that transcends politics, gender or age.

Thank you in advance for supporting this compelling cause. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the National Chairmen, Mike Jackson or Tara Dixon-Engel at 937-396-0721 or 937-367-1926 or the Organizational Chairman, Bob Avery at 702-497-9885.

Warmest regards, Sarah Shivler
Operation Welcome Home Volunteer

Press Releases:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 27, 2004
LAS VEGAS TO HOST HISTORIC WELCOME HOME EVENTNation To Welcome And Celebrate America’s Vietnam Veterans

LAS VEGAS -- Thirty years after the fall of Saigon and the end of America's involvement in Southeast Asia, the veterans of that conflict will finally get the homecoming they were denied by the politics and rancor of another era.

The city of Las Vegas will lead the nation in saying a heartfelt Thank You and Welcome Home to all those who served in Vietnam. This historic event, Operation Welcome Home, will take place in Las Vegas over Veteran's Day weekend 2005.Aviation Nation, the Nellis Air Force Base - Las Vegas Air Show will play a key role in Operation Welcome Home and be the grand finale of this national tribute to our Vietnam veterans. According to Major General Stephen Goldfein, Commander of the Air Warfare Center, Nellis Air Force Base will roll out the red carpet for Vietnam veterans during the weekend of November 12-13, 2005. Aviation Nation, one of America's largest and most popular air shows and a Gold Signature event of the yearlong 2005 Las Vegas Centennial Celebration, expects a Veterans Day weekend crowd of 200,000. Nellis Air Force base in Las Vegas is home of the Air Force Thunderbirds and Operation Red Flag.Pat Christiansen, President of Las Vegas Events, notes that his city is the perfect venue to host Operation Welcome Home. "We are a very patriotic community. We have forged a positive, lasting relationship with nearby Nellis Air Force Base and we are committed to honoring those who protect and defend our country. The concept of celebrating our Vietnam veterans is one that is long overdue," said Christiansen.

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, the happiest mayor in the world, says the city is proud and excited to host this national event. "There could be no better time or place for the Welcome Home party than in Las Vegas during our 2005 Centennial Celebration. Las Vegas is proud of our servicemen and women and equally proud of our veterans. We anticipate a 2005 Veterans' Day parade that will go down in the history books.

"Bob Avery, CEO of Las Vegas Aerospace, LLC is the Organizing Chairman for Operation Welcome Home. "We didn't have to debate this one in-depth. It's the right thing to do. This isn't about politics. This is about saying thank you to a generation of young men and women who served their country during very turbulent times. This is about healing." Las Vegas Aerospace is working with Las Vegas to establish North America's new aerospace and defense trade show in the popular destination.And healing was the bottom line for Mike Jackson and Tara Dixon-Engel, authors of Naked In Da Nang, the book that inspired Operation Welcome Home. The two co-authors will serve as National Chairmen."We are so grateful to Las Vegas and Las Vegas Aerospace for stepping up to the plate and making this tremendous gesture," said Jackson, who has served as Executive Director of the National Aviation Hall of Fame since 1992. The retired Air Force officer noted that Naked In Da Nang was written as a tribute to those who served. "Tara and I wanted to personalize the whole Vietnam experience, so the average American could see veterans of Southeast Asia as real people, not as media caricatures. And I wanted something I could hand to my daughters and say 'this is how it really was. We were good guys fighting an unpopular war.' Vietnam veterans are deeply gratified to see America embracing its troops. We are pleased that communities are honoring the young men and women returning home from Afghanistan or Iraq - but I think every Vietnam veteran wonders, what happened to my welcome home?'"

On Dec. 5, the two Naked In Da Nang authors were in Washington, DC to announce the unveiling of Operation Welcome Home on Fox News Weekend Live television. Appearances and interviews are pending with other national electronic media, major print media outlets, Atlanta Vietnam Veteran's Businessmen's Association and many more. The authors have been invited to do a special book signing at the Smithsonian's National Air &Space Museum in Washington DC on April 30, the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. Over the next year, the duo will be speaking throughout the country on plans for the event and on the importance of finally healing the scars from Vietnam and moving forward in unity.

Mesquite, Nevada, a resort community seventy miles north of Las Vegas, is the first city to join the Operation Welcome Home tribute. Mesquite will host the traveling Vietnam Wall from February 10-13, 2005. Mayor Bill Nicholes notes that the majority of Mesquite's 3,000 veterans served in Vietnam. "We are proud of these men and women for their service to country. Vietnam veterans are a vital part of every community in America. I hope other communities will make the effort to finally say 'thank you - and welcome home'.

"Plans for specific Las Vegas and Aviation Nation initiatives and activities tied to Operation Welcome Home are currently being developed. Organizers are seeking partnerships with sponsors and supporters and plan to unveil a formal agenda of Welcome Home events after January 1, 2005. For more information about Operation Welcome Home, go to

Organizing ChairmanRobert L. Avery, President &CEO Las Vegas Aerospace, LLC702-497-9885

National Chairman
Mike JacksonAuthor, Naked In Da Nang 937-367-1926937-396-0721

National Co-Chairman
Tara Dixon-Engel
Author, Naked In Da Nang937-367-1926937-396-0721

Host Destination
Mary Anne Beaman, Director of Events
Las Vegas Events(702) 260-8605

Aviation Nation Air Show
Bob Jones, Director
Nellis Air Force Base, NV(702) 652-5541

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 27, 2004

Motivational Memoir Inspires Operation Welcome Home

DAYTON, OH -- When Mike Jackson talks about his tour of duty in Vietnam, there is no mistaking the pride in his voice. Although the retired Air Force Lt. Col. had, and continues to have, plenty of issues with the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of Vietnam, he is nonetheless proud that he served his country with honor and commitment, and returned home to lead a productive life. Like so many GIs who went to Southeast Asia, Jackson has long wondered if America would ever make peace with itself regarding “his” war and the contentious social and political debate that surrounded it.

In 2001 the former pilot decided to commit his combat memories to paper. He did so at the urging of one of his employees at the National Aviation Hall of Fame, where Jackson had served as Executive Director since his retirement from the Air Force. Tara Dixon-Engel, a former journalist and director of the facility’s research center, was inspired and intrigued by Jackson’s endless supply of stories about “funny things that happened in Vietnam.”

“Over the years I became pretty good at telling funny stories about my tour of duty. When I got home from Vietnam I wanted to tell people about all the things I’d done and seen. No one was really interested. America was sick of the whole mess. But I ventually discovered that if I told my tales with humor, some people listened. Tara was one of those people and she urged me to write a book; in fact, she offered to write it for me. There wasn’t anyone else standing in line to do so, so I said ‘sure. Give it a shot,’” Jackson recalled.

There ensued a three-year effort to carefully craft Naked In Da Nang, the book that has become the inspiration for America’s “Operation Welcome Home,” slated to take place Veterans’ Day weekend 2005 in Las Vegas and throughout the country.Jackson admits that his book didn’t turn out as he’d first envisioned. He also admits that it’s a good thing.“My vision was for one funny story after the other. Tara wanted to make it something more, something that struck a chord with people and made them laugh and cry. She believed that America wanted and needed to see Vietnam from a different perspective,” he said.
“I had been listening to Mike’s stories for two years and they were just wonderful. They had a universal appeal. Other veterans related to them, but so did everyday folks like me who had never been anywhere near combat. It wasn’t that Mike’s experiences were especially unusual. In fact, quite the opposite. It was just that he had an emotional integrity and a sense of humor that allowed him to connect with people on a variety of levels. The challenge for me was to somehow put all the heart and humor that is Mike Jackson on paper,” the co-author explained.

For Jackson, it was a chance to revisit a time and a place that he had left behind years earlier. It was also a chance to reconnect with many of the men he had served with, most of whom he hadn’t seen since leaving Vietnam in 1972. “It was an amazing experience. The writing process was rewarding. Tara is so much like me that at times we seem to communicate telepathically. She instinctively knew how I would react and could translate that understanding into vivid scenes and images. It was also quite a thrill to talk to guys I hadn’t seen in over three decades. The years just fell away and it was 1972 again,” the pilot recalled. The interaction with his combat buddies and the realization that time was quickly slipping by led Jackson to an epiphany. As he and his co-author sat in a local restaurant discussing the book one afternoon, they hit on the idea for a national Welcome Home celebration. “I was skeptical at first, not sure whether America was ready to put aside decades of political rancor. Tara convinced me that it was the perfect time, especially with the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon in April 2005. We began putting together ideas and preliminary plans, not at all sure how we might eventually implement them,” Jackson said.

Then the duo shared their vision with Bob Avery, President and CEO of Las Vegas Aerospace, the company that develops and promotes the Aviation Nation Air Show at Nellis Air Force Base. Avery presented the idea to Las Vegas and Air Force movers and shakers, who eagerly jumped on board. Jackson and Dixon-Engel were given key roles in the development process and designated National Chairmen of the event.“We were all a bit startled at how quickly and passionately people reacted. Bob warned us that this was going to get real big, real fast and he was definitely right about that,” Dixon-Engel said. “When Mike appeared on Fox News Weekend Live to talk about the book and Operation Welcome Home, we started getting phone calls from all over. Everyone was saying the same thing: ‘It’s about time,’ and ‘how can I help?’ We wrote Naked In Da Nang with an eye toward healing a lot of old wounds. We wanted to create some kind of companion piece to Hal Moore and Joe Galloway’s spectacular ‘We Were Soldiers...’; something that personalized the conflict to the point where you experienced it through the eyes of one soldier or, in this case, one pilot. That our efforts helped generate a national day of Welcome Home for Vietnam vets is humbling beyond words.”The Welcome Home event was spawned by the book’s epilogue titled “We Never Got Our Parade,” in which Jackson explains that Vietnam vets are thrilled when they see America welcoming home soldiers from Gulf War I or Iraq or Afghanistan, but that they cannot help but wish their homecomings had been more positive and supportive.

For Jackson, who flew 210 missions as a "low, slow" Forward Air Controller, the Welcome Home could be perceived as bittersweet or too little, too late. But the author sees nothing but positives. “We've grown as a country and we're in a place now where we can do this and do it with heart and sincerity. I'm proud of my service and proud to participate in this event. I remember leaving Vietnam in 1972, and being advised against wearing my uniform once we landed in San Francisco. To wear it was to invite abuse," Jackson recalled, adding that he elected to wear his uniform, despite a less-than-cordial reception. "Later on, veterans were advised against listing our tours of duty on our resumes. It was a tough time. We wanted to tell our stories and no one really wanted to listen. Now is the perfect time to acknowledge that we served with honor and dignity…and came home to lead normal, productive lives. Operation Welcome Home will help make this happen at last.”

"See You in Las Vegas next Veterans' Day"