Thursday, January 27, 2005


We will remove Senator John Kerry from Congressional office and bring legal action against him for treason and giving aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war. We will finally receive justice for all Americans, and for America herself.

Get involved. America's future depends upon what YOU DO TODAY!

2004 was the first time in my sixty years upon this planet that WE THE PEOPLE affected a real and significant MAJORITY's will upon our governmental process, the elitist controlled media and the pseudo-intellectual academia. But we only made a tiny hole in the wall of misinformation and elitist abuse of power. However, if WE THE PEOPLE raise our voices to a higher level by insisting that this criminal be brought to justice for high crimes against our nation we will be setting a precedent for the future. We will affect a fear among those who would defy the will of WE THE PEOPLE, putting them on notice that they are first OUR employees. They lead only upon our approval and are answerable to WE THE PEOPLE. We will be taking another step towards restoring the Constitution and the principles upon which this country was founded.

The future of our nation, the future for our children, depends upon what we do in the next few months. For if there is any hope of restoring our nation to "WE THE PEOPLE" through political action it is NOW, TODAY.

Make no mistake, the elitists will resist. It will not be an easy fight. It will require the same persistence and determination, even more perseverance than 2004, but it can and MUST be done. The cynics among us will scoff, just as the cynics scoffed in 2004. We got the job done then and we must prevail in this effort.

Be vigilant. Get involved TODAY.



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