Friday, April 22, 2005


Over the years I have constantly tried to inform Americans about the facts imbedded in the Congressional records, press records and readily available publications by the members of secretive organizations networked worldwide which intend to enslave the entire body public [that's all of us regular folks] under the New World Order aka New World Fuedalism.

I have been labelled the stereotypical "Conspiracy Theorist." Theory be damned folks. The FACTS are NOT theory. Your wannabee Masters just want to keep you ignorant and assume, like most psuedo-intellects, that you will be too stupid to pay attention and put the facts together. I will proudly bear any label which avoids negative stereotypical usage by those who refuse to do their homework, avoid the truth, or with intent to mislead the body public about the facts surrounding the intent of the globalists who are working to enslave us all.

Henceforth and hereafter all of my personal articles will be worded so as to be understandable even to least educated and to shock the most religious and politically correct citizens. I take this rather extreme measure in the hope that some of the "SHEEPLE" out there and those of you who claim to be "PATRIOTS" and "TRUE AMERICANS" will muster the guts to at least LOOK AT THE FACTS! I am sick and tired of my family, friends and inquiring minds who tell me that they fear their government, want to know and would stand up to preserve our freedoms, but who, when faced with hard facts and evidence refuse to even read, listen to or watch [much less investigate the public records for themselves] books, recordings or any visual evidence of the conspirators' activities and their "in their own words" quotations and records.

The following will be the BEGINNING of a series of essays in which I will challenge every freedom loving American to "put it on the line" or surrender. Your children face a future that YOU are responsible for NOW! If you are too cowardly to be informed you need not continue here.


The body public has become so self absorbed that they refuse to take responsiblity for their own behavior, much less their government. The average citizen will willingly jump on some environmental or personal "cause" inspired by whatever emotionally disturbing event tugs their heart strings. But these same emotional reactionaries will avoid like the plague doing any comprehensive digging to get to the bottom of issues with real facts or common sense logic if it does not obsolve them of personal responsibility for their own governence. The Internationaist Elite count on this lack of attention to their activities. These Elitists are convenced that the average human is a stupid herding animal barely evolved above the ape. Sadly the "Sheeple" give all too much credible evidence to this Elitist belief.

So here it is in words even the uneducated and ghetto thugs can understand. YOU ARE IN THE FINAL STAGES OF THE PLAN TO ENSLAVE EVERY HUMAN ON THIS PLANET! If you think that the your leaders give two shits about you or your fellow Americans you are one stupid sheep being led to the slaughter. If you think for one minute that you can avoid persecution by the "AUTHORITIES" once 'WORLD PEACE AND CIVIL ORDER" is accomplished by the leaders of the NEW WORLD ORDER under the auspices of the United Nations you are one dumb shit. If you believe that you will be able to control your home, farm, job or anything you have accumulated through your labors you are one dumb shit. If you fear your government, but refuse to discover why, because it might force you to consider the alternatives, you are one gutless coward. You are going to be forced into poverty and every move you make is going have to be authorized by the authorities [lackeys of the Elitist Masters]. By your own cowardice you will be stripped of your liberties. There will be no freedom of speech. You will be telling your new masters' lackey Authorities if your neighbors, friends or family members are uttering any disfavorable comments about the New World Government or any of it's agents. You and yours will be forced into the world church, whether you like it or not. If you don't you will be persecuted and summarily sent off to reeducation camps or concentration camps. Anyone opposing the authority of the New World Order will become a "criminal" and since there will be no citizen rights, habeas corpus or right to fair trial they will be hunted down and imprisoned or executed. Those who do not resist will not fair any better for they will be persecuted at the whim of the "Authorities," imprisoned for whatever pretense is the authorities vested interest of the day or worse murdered in their residence for whatever crimes the authorities fabricate. If you think that it cannot happen in America you are one stupid moron. If you do not take the time to discover the facts it is because you are AFRAID of what you might find. If you believe all of the crap the media, the authorities and your teachers tell you, you are just too stupid to bother trying to educate. In either case you are the one most responsible for what is about to happen to your children and that makes you an accessory to what is already happening. You have allowed the surrender of your freedoms to the Elitist Establishment controled government out of FEAR. The Elitist Establishment has been using your fears to herd you into their trap for two centuries. Slaves can only be controled by their consent and submission to their masters.

If the words "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death," do not encourage you to act upon what you know is "the right thing and just," then you are a coward [a coward far worse than those assholes sitting in their secure mansions directing their lackeys to do their dirty work for them]. Because you have a conscience and do not follow your conscience. You have sold your soul for the comfort of convenience. You succumb to the delusions that your masters foment in order to remain safe. You readily accept the illusion of freedom accepted by the flock and sacrifice your individuality for the safety of the herd. Problem is that all of you stupid sheeple are being led to the slaughter. You are damning your children and future generations to the servitude you dare not resist out of FEAR! YOU ARE THE DAMNED!

I accuse you, any one ofyou who will not look into the facts and have the guts to act, of being the worst traitors to your children and the future of our nation. If this sounds harsh, pisses you off and or offends you - GOOD! Because those of us trying to educate your dumb asses and those who are taking the time to find out what is really going on are sick and tired of your stupidity and cowardice. Thoswe of us who have already been persecuted for discovering the facts are tired of trying desperately to protect you sorry asses.

For you punks out there who think that being a badass in your neighborhood is righteous let me give you a piece of reality. The Authorities count on your activities to insure that all law-abiding citizens live in fear. You and your punk- thug friends are too stupid to see beyond your fucking "turf" bullshit. You think that you are rebels and tough, but in reality you are just a bunch of sniveling cowards without the backbone to get educated to what is going on in the REAL WORLD. You are no better than your Politically Correct Suit counterpart bullies. If you give a damn about your future and the future of this nation you will take a hint, get a clue and start paying attention to the BIG PICTURE, instead of wasting your lives playing badass within a section of turf already owned and controlled by your masters. By the way anytime your masters want to they can come into your turf and blow all of your badasses away and get away with it. Take a look at Ruby Ridge, WACO, Oklahoma City and the truth about 9/11. While you stupid badasses were fucking around killing each other over turf, drugs and personal conflicts your masters where seeing to it you remain slaves to their will.

Hopefully this has pissed off and offended everyone who reads this. But don't kill the messenger. Get mad! Get fighting mad. Become a true individualist! Take time to investigate the facts and decide for yourself, instead of accepting the media's force fed information. Once you have bothered to investigate the facts let your conscience and common sense draw you to YOUR OWN conclusions. Then have the guts to act upon what you know is right and true to your soul. otherwise do not bother me with your name calling and your self righteous indignation. As far as I am concerned you are the problem and you do not deserve my respect. As for me "Live Free or die."

Being afraid is a natural instinct. But fear is only healthy if it provokes one's sense duty to themselves, their loved ones and their fellow humans. There is no greater motivation than fear, but to succumb to it is [for whatever rationale or for whatever personal gain] to damn one's soul to hell of one's own creation.

For those who are agry with what I have said, but won't try to discover the truth don't bother me with e-mails or posts. For those of you who wish to report me to the AUTHORITIES, feel free. Hell, the authorities know me well and have already been on my ass for years.

To those of you who are inspired to look into the facts there are already s few postings which can guide you into the dark corners of the activities of our masters and I will be posting essays with references you can research yourself regularly here at the LAMPLIGHTER. May whatever you believe is GOD, [for you athiests survival] motivate you to discover the facts and have the guts to resist your masters. Don't fuck around. There isn't that much time left. You have already wasted a lifetime in apathetic delusions. Get of your asses and get busy or it will be to late. Don't hide behind the heard everyday rationale, "There's nothing I can do." Fuck, there isn't. Do nothing and you are already a gutless slave. Get Busy!

Michael "Boats" Turley


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