Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gulf Crisis Plays Into Socialist/Globalist Agenda

It makes no difference that it was not planned. It was however a foreseeable accident. How so? Warnings about deep well drilling in deep water. Warnings years ago about offshore drilling. The environmentalists demanded we stop land drilling and go offshore. Many of us said then that the environmentalists were being led by globalist/socialists intent upon a One World Government. That the socialist agenda had hijacked true environmentalist concerns. No matter what your opinion may be the fears of those of us who warned about the dangers of offshore drilling have come to pass and now the entire world may pay the price of following the globalist/socialist lies.

BUT we must not let them change the dialogue to suit their agenda the way they are trying to use the "Capitalism vs Socialism" illusion. Capitalism today is centralist monopolist not true laissez-faire free enterprise. The wannabee new feudal lords families changed the paradigm of the words decades ago. What the socialists condemn as capitalism and wish to shift to government control today is only a sleight of hand from free market monopolistic capitalism to government run monopolistic capitalism. There is only one difference. Their ideal is to have government ENFORCED rule by the plutocracy. The socialists will try to shift the dialogue over this crisis to put their agenda in place. They will try to use it to put their carbon legislation and cap and trade in place. They will try to use it to set our world back centuries to the old feudal lords system. DO NOT let them get away with it!

The truth will come out if we keep demanding it!



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