Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Socialism is Monopolist/Capitalist/Collectivist Plutocracy

Let me first point out that the special interests who have the most influence over our government going back to the very beginning are almost every single one of them centralist-collectivist-monopolist either collectively or each one, each is the same and has had implemented legislation, which in every case protected their own interests OR was so designed to benefit their and often government REVENUES. Socialism does NOT change monopolist/capitalism! Socialism ENFORCES monopolist/capitalism by eliminating any competition! PERIOD! The centralist/monopoly is now [under a socialist government] a tyrannical PLUTOCRACY!

Man does not, cannot, know everything. Those who act as though they do [the way the arrogant leaders in DC are] GUARANTEE catastrophe! Socialism, every collectivist design, is the ultimate arrogance. Those who have the arrogance to believe they are competent to do societal planning without sufficient knowledge to be tampering with the nature of man ignore the traditions that embody the wisdom of generations, disregard customs whose purpose they do not understand and confuse the law that burns in the hearts of man - which they cannot change - with administrative rules and legislated laws that they alter at their own whim. Such CONCEIT is THE "FATAL ERROR" of all collectivist, communitarian designs whether economics, commerce or socially. IT CANNOT WORK! It will always lead to violence and destruction WITHIN.

And that is the simplistic encapsulation of THE ROAD TO SERFDOM by F.A. Hayek 1944


If you have not read Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals better read it... You've been living it! You are living it!


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