Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Herders Freeze Herd's Pay - Yeah That'll Fix Budget Concerns.

Hmmm Let me see if I have this right. They just froze the pay of all government employees, including the military, but NOT their own pay or any of the administration 'titled' officials...

Hey, now that makes perfect sense. Let us review by analogy. I am a congressman or senator..., the highest paid NON-working cog in the great wheel of Federal Government. My hardest work is campaigning to assure my continuing to draw the paycheck for doing as little as possible and being able to raise funds and accept bribes to vote for whatever bill this lobby or that one want passed. So we have before us a proposal for health care or pay freezes. Well, gee, as long as I protect my OWN interests no problem that I can see. Yeah, the folks back home won't like it, but F#@K them what do they know... Yes it's good to be the boss. We'll just pad the 'Bill' with so much double speak no one will bother to try to figure it out.

And there you have it boiled down to the bare facts folks. But hey, those guys voted to protect us from our food and all sorts of things to keep us safe. They like playing god. Who are we to complain. We are after all just peons.

Okay, jokes aside. How long does it take before the peons get disgusted enough to smack the poor drones around us to wake them from the hypnotic stupor of boob-tube, computer games, Holly-weird La La endorphins, to take a COMMON SENSE look at their masters and quit taking the ice cream icing at the sacrifice of their freedom. Sadly slavery thrives upon the nature of many humans to being enslaved. Leaving those of us who prefer individual freedom and self determination to flounder in the mire of the herd's slop.

Yeah, that's been the never ending cycle of human existence. When you look at most species on this planet it pretty much clarifies that all herding animals follow the same pattern. So maybe it's just nature taking it's course.

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