Saturday, September 25, 2004

Kerry Campaign Launches Attack on All Veterans Groups Opposing Him

The Democratic National Committe has made no secret of their "Win at any Cost and Stop at nothing to Win," tactics since I was a kid in Kentucky. I can remember many of the underhanded tactics they used throughout the South. So it comes as no surprise that I now find myself and my brother Vietnam Veterans targeted for personal attacks by the Democrats. In the past I have always thought that both parties were equally guilty of these almost criminal attacks. Which is why I refused to support either of the major parties. What I have learned since the beginning of this presidential campaign has completely reversed my views of the parties and their tactics. The Democrats have demonstrated just how out of touch they are with reality. This new threat of personal assaults on the Vietnam Veterans who oppose their candidate just proves that they are from top to bottom unfit to be leaders in America. They seek support from the socialists and communist echelons and play to those they promise to support through raising of taxes. Their candidate says whatever particular communities he speaks in want to hear without telling them which way he voted on the issues they feel are most important. Kerry seems to have little regard for the truth on anything he professes. Now he and his Democratic thugs are launching personal attacks on the Vietnam Veterans who have had the guts to speak out about the truth we all know about John "The Pretender" Kerry. Many of these Veterans have already suffered the underhanded tactics of Kerry's DNC thugs.

I challenge The Pretender Kerry to an open forum or open court anywhere he should so chose. Cowards slink around behind their titles and hired thugs. Men of honor face their advisaries on level playing fields. To The Pretender I say, BRING IT TO ME LITTLE MAN, you are but a dispicable traitorous liar and coward. Every step, every flip to flop you make, every action you've taken to dishonor honorable men only proves your cowardice. To your thugs I say, come on, but don't go whining when you get your collective butts whipped with your own ammunition. I've met better men on tougher battlegrounds and you aren't capable of tying the shoes of the worst of them.

The Blog Editor, Michael Turley


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