Saturday, July 17, 2010

Apologist America Goes Full Circle

When one studies history, if one is astute enough to look beyond the obvious, discrimination against one group or another, enslavement of conquered nations or whatever the oppression whether real or imagined, always goes full circle until the majority lashes back after sometimes generations of apologetic catering to those an earlier generation emasculated. Even the Bible records it and is all too clear that the aftermath of Solomon's appeasement of all the nationalities and ethnic groups absorbed during King David's rein and intermingled and catered to during King Solomon his son's rein began the fall of the great Hebrew Nation, which after Solomon's death was torn asunder by the Hebrew tribes pure bloods conflicts with the mixed bloods and various absorbed ethnics. There is not a lot of detail recorded in our translation, though there are volumes buried in the Vatican which we cannot imagine.

We are living in the times when the fringe groups that have been used to divide we who love and cherish our heritage and freedoms. The Alinsky plan played and preying upon the less intelligent and less spiritual. True they do not see themselves this way. They have been indoctrinated that they are the downtrodden and deserve to special attention just because they were born whatever ethnic or color. It is no different with the minority at the other end of the status pole, the establishment elitists, they too feel they have special right to be immune from the majority and given special treatment in all things of life. What is most interesting is that the Majority is expected to give privilege to both the upper fringe and the lower fringe minorities without question nor concern for itself.

That sort of disparity cannot endure for very long without a backlash. The Alinskyites know this as surely as the Marxists and other advocates of societal designing did, though many of the communitarian theorists did not seem to understand it and their rabid following understand it even less. Such tampering with Man's nature without the intellect or soul to do so guarantees disaster. There is no way to avoid it for once the diversity goes full circle the backlash is inevitable. Therein lies the challenge for we who wish to save our nation rather than destroy it.

History records many societies destroyed by just this sort of diversity to apologist to backlash cycle. In every case it has led to the destruction of cultures and political foundations from within. Even modern countries still having the illusion of existence are not the heritage of their forefathers. And now we are amidst the backlash of the majority in our own country with the Marxists and Alinskyites trying to stir the fringe groups into acts that will demand reprisal from our ranks to justify dismantling of our country.

I heard a Democrat... yes the Socialists are still calling themselves Democrats.., call the Tea Party movement a "Cult." And even the GOP is trying to discredit the Tea Party and other populous groups trying to restore the Republic. What I find so curious in that vein is that the NAACP, Black Panthers, Black Nation, Code Pink, KKK and so many other socialist and fascist groups actually have become CULTS. Not the number one definition, but one of the definitions of a cult is the cure of a disease based on dogma set forth by it's promulgator. Too often this becomes a faddish devotion to a lie or misconception put forth by those who would stand to gain directly or indirectly from such devotion. All one needs to do is study these groups to understand their leaders true colors. That includes the two PARTIES as well.

Beware those bringing ripe fruit to the table without invitation. Snow White was foolish. So was Samson. THINK!

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