Monday, July 26, 2010

Poster Child For What is Wrong In America

Poster-child for what is wrong
You will simply not believe this. Our 8th District US Congressional representative,
the Hon. Gabrielle Giffords, in a meeting of the House Armed Services Committee,
asked General David Petraeus the following question:
"General Petraeus, what are you doing to reduce carbon emissions in the war on terror?"

Wow. I had to read, and re-read this several times to believe it. Folks, there are American sons and daughters dying every week on the foreign battlefields of southwest Asia. The nation is completely bankrupt and ... quite literally, borrowing 43 cents for every dollar in federal spending. We have the largest environmental disaster in the nation's history in the Gulf of Mexico, and we have Mexican drug armies invading our nation. And yet ....
A member of Congress from Arizona's 8th congressional district took
the time to ask our battlefield commander what he is doing to curb
carbon emissions in the war.

Gabrielle Giffords is the poster-child for what is wrong with the US Congress. We are being led by imbeciles. To the rest of America reading this blog, and to Gen. Petraeus if this e-mail makes it to your inbox ... my sincerest apologies for the stupid question asked of you by my US congressional representative. General ... I am sure you have better things to worry about than carbon emissions on the battlefield. I assure you, as a registered voter in Arizona's 8th congressional district, I will do everything I can to ensure Rep. Giffords is voted out of office in November, and I pray you'll get back to business of fighting the war on terror without worrying about such petty and nonsensical matters as your carbon footprint in the war.

Mark Beres, Maj. USAF (ret.)
Tucson, Arizona

This is the sort of nonsense being bred into our children by the socialists to destroy nationalism and national defense in order to walk the sheeple into the New World Order of the Globalist Cabal.

What idiots like Giffords fails to understand is that he is not one of the Plutocrats who will lead or even be counted in the ruling class of the new Globalist Feudalism. He is just a lame brain without the gift of freedom of thought. He follows the indoctrination of his socialist teachers and media without an inkling of his own. This is the way our individual freedoms are being assaulted daily. If this imbecile had ever bothered to LOOK UP real information about carbon emissions he would have discovered that in millionths of parts humans and their total contribution to carbon emissions account for barely .006 of 1%. In fact, so minute a part of the carbon emissions that if it were depended upon to provide for the carbon dependent earth that all life on earth would cease to exist.

The indoctrinated and the socialist idiots need to start thinking for themselves and STOP screwing around with Mother Nature! There are things of this earth no human has control over regardless of all the technology some humans think does and it is time WE THE PEOPLE in this country put a halt to the imbecilic arrogance of our government! Especially idiots like Giffords, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, John McCain et. al.

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