Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Water-Powered Car
For more than three decades now, Daniel Dingel has been claiming that his car can run with water as fuel. An article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer said that Dingle built his engine as early as 1969. Dingel built a car reactor that uses electricity from a 12-volt car battery to split the ordinary tap water into hydrogen and oxygen components. The hydrogen can then be used to power the car engine.

Dingel said that a number of foreign car companies have expressed interest in his invention. The officials of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) have dismissed Dingel's water-powered car as a hoax. In return, Dingel accused them of conspiring with oil producing countries. Dingel, however, was the not the only man on earth who is testing water as an alternative fuel. American inventors Rudolf Gunnerman and Stanley Meyer and the researchers of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory have been pursuing similar experiments.


I won't go into all of the nuances of the air powered engines except to say that they work and have been around a long time. Air powered cars are now in production and should the inventors find a way to "ON-BOARD" an air driven generator the perpetual motion machine is no longer an impossible dream.

Another advantage of air cars is that the fuel should be remarkably cheap, an important consideration in this era of volatile gas prices. Some estimates say that the cars will get the equivalent of 106 miles (171 kilometers) per gallon, although compressed air will probably not be sold by the gallon. A more meaningful estimate is that it may take as little as $2 worth of electricity to fill the compressed air tank, though you'll also need gasoline to power the electric motor that compresses air while driving [source: Cornell].

The vehicles themselves also will be relatively cheap. Zero Pollution Motors, which plans to release the first air cars in the United States and estimates a sticker price of about $17,800, which would make these cars affordable to budget-conscious American buyers.

Cheaper Fuel and Economic Energy

There are more natural oil resources on the North American Continent than the rest of the world combined without deep well drilling. By just uncapping already drilled wells on land in the continental United States there is over 140 years of available crude! That does not even figure in the Natural Gas being pumped back into the ground in several oil fields to the North!

So-called Environmentalists drove oil drilling off shore in the early 1970's. There was a political and a centralist/monopolist agenda behind the perversion of the environmentalists ideals. They were being lead by socialist ideologues preying upon emotional humanism. It is an old ploy of the centralist plutocrats. Those who aspire to maintain control of the zeitgeist of a society must know how to manipulate the masses by playing upon their common, human, emotions and compassion. They use their control of the DELPHI media to maintain control of the consensus of opinion even if it requires manufacturing the illusion of a consensus opinion that does not actually exist. The same environmentalists driven by the same manipulators are now screaming the loudest about the oil spill in the GULF! Why?! They generated the outcry that created the crisis! The dangers of deep well drilling are well known. Just look at the ON LAND disasters of deep well drilling experienced in Russia for instance. However, if one was paying attention we got a bit of insight not common knowledge to we commoners about the earth's oil reservoirs. The earth is actually replenishing already drilled deposits! Did anyone pay attention to that little aside? What that means is that the EARTH itself is a renewable energy source. That is something many spiritual leaders over the centuries have always known! Had the deep well disaster in the Gulf happened on a LAND drilled well it could have been contained within hours of the event! That is something few so-called investigative journalists, so-called environmentalists and so-called political leaders are focusing upon. And it NEEDS to be pointed out over and over again!

Until we get the political/greed agenda of the centralist/monopolist plutocrats out of the way of PROGRESS there will be no logical progress made without THEIR permitting it based upon their control over the progressive innovations being made! That is what monopolist capitalism is based upon: the self assumed right of the privileged few to dictate and design the society around them. And that is exactly what every communitarian ideology dictates. That is NOT compatible with individual liberty, individual initiative, self reliance, freedom of thought or any FREEDOM!

Ever see an Air Generator field? Notice the large plateau of cleared land? Try to imagine by comparison one or two oil rigs producing all that energy on a plot of land less than a fraction of the land occupied by those massive generators. THINK! Go discover the truth about Nuclear Energy. Let me tell you a little known fact. The so-called Three Mile Island "leak" was a fabrication. It never happened! It was a contrived scare tactic. IT WORKED!

Who stands to gain from such covert activities?

The only difference in Nationalized or GLOBALIZED Centralized/Monopolist/Capitalists of SOCIALISM and the so-called free market Centralist/Monopolist/Capitalists is that now instead of having to lobby to impose legislation to protect their control over banking, industry and commerce and the geo-political zeitgeist they ARE THE LEGISLATORS and can ENFORCE their plutocratic rule! They will no longer suffer the imposition of having to deal with the opinions and free thinking individuals of the mass of humanity. That to them is the ultimate SOCIAL JUSTICE!

THE ONLY TRUE FREE MARKET IS THE LAISSEZ-FAIRE FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM OF ECONOMICS. Which directly opposes governmental controls over the market place and would basically expose Wall Street and fabricated money markets as fabricated illusions. It would also guarantee that the supply and demand curve would be natural not dictated and we would always be at the peak of GNP annually. The natural order of pure economy would prevent artificial imposed inflation-deflation of NON-INTEREST currency, thereby making fiat currency obsolete in favor of interest free currency notes. [NO neither gold nor silver or any precious material need back it... Only that it represents interest free barter notes]. The truly free market would also prevent fractional banking thus ending the international banking cartel's dictatorship over the world markets. Something they are not likely to surrender peaceably.

Meyer Rothschild's widow once remarked shortly before her death that if her sons did not want war there would be no wars. Ideologues such as Marx and Keynes and many others, with their communitarian ideologies lure humanity with the illusion of Utopian PEACE ON EARTH. The simple truth is that all life is conflict to some degree. When the arrogant among us assume they can DESIGN a societal model for all they ignore human nature, centuries of fundamental traditions and the single most important gift of the CREATOR that burns in the heart of every human being, even those who would rather someone else have the responsibility for their own welfare, INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. The freedom to THINK as we please. The right to the fruits of our labors. To that end is what AMERICANS have been reminded so dramatically recently.

DO NOT BE FOOLED neither of the existing political parties represents the FREE ENTERPRISE market or the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE. Presently WE THE PEOPLE have an opportunity to create a NEW Constitutional Republic, restore State Sovereignty and cast off the shackles of the centralist/monopolist/capitalists. It won't be easy and it won't happen overnight. It will take years of concentrated effort and RESPONSIBLE citizenship. BUT IT CAN BE DONE!

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